Chapter Thirteen: A Country Widow

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The stagecoach comes to a firm halt, shaking Eliza awake. Arthur is surprised that she even managed to fall asleep as the ride was bumpy on the way north. They've stopped in Donatello, a town south of Low Falls.

    "Are we here?"

    "Yes, Donatello."

    "I thought we were going to Low Falls."

    Arthur opens the door and begins to step out.

    "Yes, but I have some business here."

    "What kind of business?" she asks suspiciously.

    "Not the kind you're thinking of, I'm sure," he answers, planting his feet on the ground. "Now, come on."

    He extends a hand to her and helps her down. They both walk to the back of the stagecoach and Arthur gets the trunk while Eliza gets the carpetbag. After moving out of the street, he sets the trunk down and goes to Boadicea, who had been following the stagecoach the entire time.

    "Long time, girl," he greets as he gets on her back.

    Eliza walks up to him, expecting to get on.

    "No, Eliza."


    "Wait here a moment with your things. I won't be long."

    "Where are you going?"

    "It's a secret," he smiles. "Trust me."

    And he rides off into town. Eliza resigns to sit on her trunk and wait for him. Donatello is smaller than Jardin City. There appears to be only one main street. Some people sit in front of a general store and she can hear music coming from a saloon. Where did Arthur go?

She wishes he had something to do while she waits for him to return. Maybe she has something in her carpet bag?

She reaches over to her carpet bag and brings it in front of her. She opens it and starts looking through its contents. She then sees an envelope and remembers that it was the envelope that Joe gave her. She takes it out and opens it.

Inside is twenty dollars.

Her eyes widen and she quickly tucks it back into her carpet bag, looking around to see if anyone saw. She had never had that much money at one time, aside from the money she had tried to save, but that was practically gone now.

She hears something down the street and looks up. It is a small wagon with one horse pulling it. Arthur is at the reins. Eliza stands up and looks confused.

When he is close enough, he pulls at the reins and the horse comes to a stop.

"What do you think?" He gets down from the wagon and walks over to her.

"How did you get that?"

"I bought it. They're yours."

"What? Mine?"

"Sure! We're gonna need it, and you're going to need a way to get around while I'm gone."

"I forgot you weren't staying."

They are both quiet for a moment. The horse, a Suffolk Punch, shakes his head and snorts.

"Thank you for the horse and wagon," She finally says.

"You're welcome. You ready to go?"

She eyes her carpet bag, where the 20 dollars hides.

"Can we stop at the general store first? There's some things I need first."

Red Dead Revelation I: A Good Thing (ArthurXEliza)Where stories live. Discover now