Chapter Four: Bethy's Warning

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The next two weeks filled Eliza's life with happiness that she never knew before. Even if he didn't come to the restaurant that day, she could count on him to be waiting for her outside just as the restaurant closed. They have a little routine going, and it was the one thing Eliza looked forward to every day.

Bethy could see a change in her. She was more confident and self-assured. Perhaps less afraid. She was certain that Mr. Kilgore was a good thing.

But she began to notice the difference in their ages. She didn't know why she never noticed it before, but seeing them side-by-side, she saw how he carried himself. When Eliza told her in confidence that Mr. Kilgore was 24, she began to grow concerned. It was clear that he was well-traveled and experienced. Eliza is so innocent and she wondered if this might become a rift between them, as it was as though they were a part of two different worlds. He seems to be interested in her, but she doesn't think it is in the same way that Eliza seems to express. Should she say something? Or see how it goes? Maybe if she waits, something may reveal itself. The last thing she wants is to see Eliza go back into her shell and hide away after having her heart broken.

Eliza is blissfully unaware. She likes the respectful attention that he has been giving her. In fact, she has almost completely forgotten all about the slimy Willy Dwyer.

She has grown to trust Mr. Kilgore. Which is important to her. Since losing everything, she has only been able to trust very few things and people. But he is different. She feels like she can talk to him about almost anything.

So, it grew dark, Mr. Kilgore is once again walking Eliza home. It is raining furiously, and some say there might be a chance of flash flooding. They walk quickly and as they approached the steps, Eliza takes Mr. Kilgore's hand, surprising him.

"Hey!" he exclaims.

She leads him inside the hotel and takes off her hat. He closes the door behind them.

"What was that for?" he shakes off water droplets from his buckskin coat.

"It's pouring! Won't you wait in here until it stops? I'd hate for you to catch sick."

"Aw, I'll be fine. This isn't the worst storm I've been in."

"It hasn't?"

He looks at her and pauses for a moment. Even though he detests the creep that threatened her that night, he can see why he called her "doe." Her brown, doe-like eyes looked so lively and curious about everything. He has grown fond of her wonderment and gentleness, and it was nice to see it for a change.

"No. I think I've managed just fine," he suppresses a smile to maintain the tough image he was giving off.

Eliza looks around and sees that two other people have taken shelter from the rain. A working girl comes down the stairs and greets them both, with a smooth grin, then eyes Mr. Kilgore. Eliza doesn't want to be here for this, and does it want her neighbor to be friendly with her rescuer.

Without saying a word, Eliza takes Tacitus's hand and begins to walk quickly, passing by the girl and up the stairs. Mr. Kilgore, again surprised but not wanting to leave without saying goodbye, allows himself to be led behind her.

Upon reaching the top of the stairs, she lets go of his hand. Walking down the hallway, she reaches the end, facing the door to her room. She pulls out her key from her little drawstring purse and unlocks the door. She looks to her right and sees him standing there.

    "What are you doing?"

"Oh!" she exclaims, even though she knew he was there.

"Did you think I'd leave without saying goodbye?" he smiles kindly.

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