Chapter Fourteen: To Say Hello

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It is September. Low Falls is under a heat wave, and folks are doing all that they can to keep cool. The ice house is running low on the large ice bricks that have been almost chipped away to nothing, but thankfully people aren't being greedy about it. Eliza has been working as a maid cleaning the rooms of the small hotel. It isn't the most dignified work, but it beats not working. Eliza knows it won't be long before she won't be able to work for a while, so she is saving all that she can. On her one day off, she works in her garden, which is very small. It is enough work for her to draw water from the well to water her plants in this heat wave. If only the water in the well could hold up until it rains, she will have something to harvest and can in preparation for the winter.

    She is twenty-four weeks pregnant, and her belly cannot be hidden anymore. Under her skirts and dresses, it looks like she has tucked a throw pillow underneath, but it is perfectly round. Those who do not know her give her sweet glances, and those who do, like Mrs. Sikes, take pity on her. Eliza mainly keeps to herself. As soon as her shift at work is over, she gets in the wagon and Farm Boy takes her home. She is grateful to Farm Boy, for she can talk to him and he won't say a word to anyone.

    Dr. Tate, during her appointments, has tried to get her to explain what is a nineteen year old doing widowed and alone. Even though she had already answered him, he just doesn't want to believe that such circumstances could befall such a young woman. Though it isn't uncommon for a woman to be widowed, it is even worse when she is pregnant and expected to raise a child alone. It is too early to see about finding a man for her, but he intends to help keep an eye on her.

    Arthur has been gone for quite a while. She will sit at the kitchen table and constantly look out the window, hoping to see him come galloping up. The longest they had ever been apart was almost a year, and she could not bear to go through that again. It has been almost three months since he left her that day, with tears in her eyes.

    With some of her saved money, she has purchased three chickens. Mr. Stiles and his eldest son helped her build a chicken coop for them, and so she feeds them in the morning and cleans after them in the evenings. Thankfully, no wild animals have gotten to them, yet, and she is rewarded with a few eggs each week. If she had the time, she could perhaps sell the eggs for some extra money, but Dr. Tate has chastised her for not eating enough. Sure, Eliza has always been small, but that was no excuse.

    It is Eliza's day off, so she is tending to her garden: tomatoes and green beans. It is hot today, and she has been sweating profusely. She goes to the well and begins to bring up some water to refresh the plants for the third time today.

    She hears neighing in the distance, which surprises her. Quickly turning around she sees the red flesh of a horse and a tall rider.

    "Arthur...!" she gasps and lets go of the well's pulley. She tries to run, but the heat combined with her fatigued body slows her down.

    Boadicea gallops harder upon Arthur's encouragement. He is excited to see her again. As he approaches he soon sees the state of her: round but thin and tired. He rolls off of Boadicea and runs to her.

    The sight of him running to her excites her, as it feels like an emotional display of affection. She nearly trips trying to meet him.

    Finally reaching her he takes her by the arms.

    "Oh, Arthur–!"

    "Look at you, Eliza!"

    She looks at him, speechless.

    "Do you know how hot it is?"

    "Well, I...I have to water the plants...!"

    "Have you eaten?"

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