Chapter Twenty: Lessons Learned

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Eliza set a plate of pancakes in front of Isaac to eat. He licks his lips and she adjusts his suspenders so they are straight. He digs in and as she goes to serve herself, there is a quiet knock on the door. Eliza looks up.

"Did you hear that, Isaac?"

"What, Mommy?"

Eliza sets her plate back down and curiously heads for the front door. Maybe she was just hearing things, but she wanted to find out. Quietly opening the door, she looks around. There's nothing out of the ordinary, but she wants to be sure. She takes a step forward.


Her foot hits something and looks down to find a small parcel tied with twine. Someone was here!

She looks around again. There's no dust on the stirred ground from a wagon. How did the parcel get here? She stoops down to pick it up. There's some weight to it, but it isn't heavy. She untied the twine and removes it from the parcel. Tearing at the paper, she sees what looks like fabric. She removes it and letting the paper fall to the ground, holds it out in front of her.

It's a shawl. It's light pink with wildflower embroidery. The edges have dark blue tassle work. It's beautiful.

She then sees something in the corner of her eye. She quickly turns.

Arthur steps out from the other side of the cabin, a grin on his face.

Eliza sighs, "Arthur..."

He steps towards her. His hair still is kept short, but he has sort whiskers on his face.

"I know it's a little late..."

"It's beautiful, Arthur. Thank you."

"I'm glad you like it."

"You've never given me a gift before...except our son."

Arthur looks down, nodding his head.

Eliza wraps the shawl around her shoulders. "How do I look?"

He looks back up and eyes her.

"Be–it looks really nice."

"Thank you." It isn't what she was looking for, but she'll take it.

"Let's go in. I want to see my son."

"Sure." Eliza picks up the paper and twine. As she reaches for the door, Arthur, too, reaches at the same time. His hand goes over hers and he pauses for a split second before turning the knob.

As Arthur follows Eliza inside, he finds Isaac doing sums.

"Doing arithmetic already?"

Isaac looks straight up, recognizing his father's voice. "Daddy!"

Arthur laughs and Isaac jumps down from his chair. He runs to Arthur and is immediately swept up in his father's arms.

"How's my little bear?"

"Good, Papa Bear!"

"Oh, I haven't been called that before!" Arthur sets Isaac back down. "But it makes kind of sense, don't it?"

Isaac nods his head.

"Well, I like it, son." Arthur scruffs Isaac's head. As Eliza turns around after throwing the paper and twine into the wood cook stove, Isaac notices the beautiful shawl.

"Oh, Mommy!" he sighs. "Pretty!"

Eliza blushes as she feels their eyes on her. She doesn't look up.

Isaac pushes even further. "Huh, Daddy?"

"...Yes. Yes, she is."


Red Dead Revelation I: A Good Thing (ArthurXEliza)Where stories live. Discover now