Chapter Sixteen: The Desire to Be Lovers

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Much to Eliza's delight, Arthur stayed for an entire week, the longest he had managed to stay aside from the time he helped her fix up the cabin. While she took care of Isaac, he fed Farm Boy and Little Maid, along with the chickens, kept a fire going, and made sure if something broke in a winter wind, he would fix it. Though he was outside working, he would come back inside as often as he could just so that he could catch a glimpse of his son. He was constantly at Isaac's side.

Even after being out in the cold most of the day, Arthur would immediately come in and ask to hold the baby, allowing Eliza to rest. She hadn't thought about buying baby bottles at the mercantile, as she didn't think she had need of them, but since Arthur wanted to be helpful, she wished that she had. She was grateful for the rest that he helped her take, even though she had to wake up to feed the baby.

Eliza had noticed that Arthur would have his journal open and he'd be busy writing or drawing in it. One evening, as Eliza was burping him after a feeding, he showed her what he had been working on.

It was a drawing of Eliza feeding the baby, the shadows cast from the firelight were so efficiently drawn. She blushed a little but was in awe of his talent. It looked just like a real-life picture.

When she complimented him, he almost became bashful.

"You have a gift, Arthur," she insisted.

"Naw, it's just a hobby. I ain't never shown anyone my drawings."

"Well, I am glad that you showed it to me."

"You don't mind that I drew you like that?"

She smiled.


It was hard for Eliza to see him go, but he promised he would be back sooner. He would even try to stay about the same amount of time, maybe even longer. That thrilled her.

He didn't kiss her goodbye, but he hugged her tightly. He did kiss Isaac goodbye and looked at him for a long time, all bundled up in a soft blanket.

"You take care of my boy for me."

"I will, Arthur. You come back to us."

And he was gone.

It is now March, and the days of snow will soon be over. Isaac has grown so much in so little time, and Eliza knows it won't be long before he is walking and talking. He has started to laugh, but it is more like a coughing sound than anything else. But Eliza knows her son, and she knows that he is laughing. He also can hold his head up and is constantly trying to eat his hands and feet. It makes Eliza laugh at how he wants to see, hear, feel, and taste everything.

She sees herself in him, his nose and mouth are hers. His chin and ears, his father's. His eye color has yet to reveal itself, but his hair is fawn-colored, not chestnut like hers.

She sings to him often, old songs her mother had taught her, and songs that she has heard Arthur singing. Of course, there are some that she won't ever sing in front of Isaac, but there is one, the Old Scout's Lament, that seems to lull him to sleep almost every time.

Eliza has also started to go to church. Though she has her own thoughts on God and religion, she believes that there is something to love and forgiveness, and turning things that were meant for harm into good. She wants to give Isaac a choice on what path he will choose. Granted, she doesn't go often, but she's grateful for the kindness of Reverend Ford and his congregation. She isn't ready for the full-blown socials and community programs that they have planned every year, but maybe one day she can be a part of them.

She has not returned to work as a hotel maid, as she cannot imagine being apart from her son. While she could find someone to watch him, she wanted to be the one to raise her son. She could stretch a dollar and had a small homestead to sustain them.

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