Chapter Nineteen: Like His Father

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December has always felt long, but I'm hoping this Christmas will help. I've saved enough money to get Isaac his own hat. I had it ordered when I rode into town to purchase a new window. Reverend Ford said he'd come by to drop them off when they arrive.

I've been keeping busy patching holes in Isaac's clothes and mending our quilts. It has been about seven days since his father left, and I think Isaac wants to keep busy. I think he may have heard us talking because he now has been asking for a gun for Christmas. When I asked him why, he said I needed protection, and that milking and chickens was boring. I told him we couldn't afford one. Even though his father just gave us some money. We need it to last us until I can go back to work in the spring. But really, I don't want to see my son using a gun. He may be the son of a sharpshooter and a gunslinging outlaw, but he is also my son.


Eliza finishes throwing a mix of seeds and grains onto the ground for the chickens when she hears something coming from the distance. The sun on the snow practically blinds her as she looks out onto the valley. Using her left hand to help shield her eyes, she recognizes the reverend's team of horses. They strain to pull the wagon through the snow, but they make it.

    "Hello!" Mrs. Ford waves.

    "Hello, Mrs. Ford," Eliza smiles.

The wagon comes to a halt. Reverend Ford hops down and goes to the other side to help his wife down.

"We brought your window."

"Oh! Thank you."

"Would you like help putting it in? All you need is a wooden hammer and a few nails," Reverend Ford suggests.

"No, that is alright. I can do it. Thank you just the same, Reverend."

"Of course."

Eliza gestures to the cabin. "Why don't we go in? I can make something warm to drink."

"Sounds wonderful," Mrs. Ford takes her husband's arm and they follow Eliza inside.

When they enter Elzia turns to Mrs. Ford. "Here, let me help you take off your coat."

"Oh, thank you, Eliza."

As Eliza pulls the coat away from her, she quickly notices Mr.s Ford's small, round stomach.

They lock eyes and Mrs. Ford smiles.

"Mrs. Ford...?"

"Yes, Eliza. I'm pregnant."

"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you. We've been wanting to be parents for so long."

This humbles Eliza. It wasn't difficult for her and Arthur to be parents, and they hadn't planned on having children at the time.

"Well...I am very happy for you both. Children are a blessing."

"Yes, you would know." She pauses for a minute, going through some thoughts. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"I would like your advice. I'm not sure what to expect when the baby comes. Is there something you wish you had done or prepared for?"

Eliza thinks for a moment. What was one thing she had wanted the most?

"Just...have your husband near."

Mrs. Ford's eyes soften and her smile falls. She gives a sympathetic nod, internally grateful that she herself is not a widow.


Red Dead Revelation I: A Good Thing (ArthurXEliza)Where stories live. Discover now