Chapter Eight: Certainty

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It has been about a few weeks since Bethy and Eliza had the last heart-to-heart, and Bethy is relieved that Eliza has finally turned a corner. She had become a little monotonous since Thanksgiving and always seemed to be looking over her shoulder. Trying to reassure her that William Dwyer was out of the picture didn't seem to help, but she was glad to not have seen him in a while.

And now, with March about ready to roll into April, the last snowfall was a week ago. Now there is just mud. Sure, they will have random days of snow up until June, but at least now folks can breathe easy.

So perhaps the change in weather is what changed Eliza? She is more cheerful, but it isn't the bubbly kind, it is more subdued, more mature. She is still a little distant and seems to always have somewhere to be when closing time comes. Bethy supposes that will change when they start closing later because now that the weather has changed, people will be more apt to come to the restaurant. Come April, they will be closing at their usual time at night.

Eliza hasn't told anyone, not even Bethy that Arthur–Tacitus Kilgore– is back. Of course, people will recognize him eventually, but she doesn't want to speed up that process. He hasn't been back to the restaurant, but for the past couple of weeks, he will visit for three days at a time, go back to his gang, then come back. But as soon as Eliza is finished with work, closing or not, she will head out to meet him at a spot where there aren't many people walking or riding around. She will wait and wait, hoping that this is the day that he will come. When it gets too dark, regardless of if he has come or not, she goes home by herself.

Eliza wishes that there was a place that they could go to. A place where they had some shelter and privacy. She didn't mind being outside in the fresh air, but there was still a risk of being seen.

She also didn't want him to leave. What could she do to show him how much she cared for him and that she was his? What reason would he come back to her?

She wasn't sure, but she wanted to do something. It isn't the thing for a woman to ask a man to marry her. She would have to try something else.

Bethy didn't like to be nosy, but she wanted to see what was so interesting for Eliza to run off every day.

It's raining outside. They have closed for the rest of the day and just finished counting coins. It is Clarence's turn to close, so he goes to the kitchen to finish cleaning. Bethy turns to see Eliza quickly gather her coat as thunder begins to roll. Is she really going out in this weather?

Before Eliza can reach the door, Bethy grabs her by the arm.

"Eliza! You're going to go out in that?"

"I won't be in it long."

"I know you're not going back to the hotel."

Eliza's eyebrows furrow. It wasn't Bethy's business where she went on her off time. Especially since she was hoping to spend time with Arthur. She had become more aloof, this was true, but she didn't know if it would be wise to tell Bethy the truth. She had yet to talk to Arthur about it.

"I'm going to be fine, I promise. I won't be out in the weather long."

"Please, Eliza, what has happened to you?"

Eliza doesn't answer but looks out the window and her eyes widen. Bethy looks out and sees an image forming in the water-streaked window pane.

A large figure on a horse.

Eliza immediately goes outside and Bethy follows.

Eliza jogs down the stairs and meets him. While still sitting on Boadicea, he leans down enough to where he can speak quietly.

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