Chapter Eleven: It is Time

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Arthur left the next day, and it was a very formal goodbye. That gave Eliza the confirmation she was worried about. He didn't love her the same way that she loved him. How could he? It was all fun and passionate. But a baby is now in the middle of it, and things can never be as they were.

Eliza has been working less at the restaurant, on account of her feeling sicker than a dog. After two weeks going by and not hearing from Arthur, she traded her ticket for a trip at a later date and wrote to her aunt and uncle, letting them know that her trip has been pushed back a month. She hopes that they will be understanding, without asking her why. She hopes that it will be enough to buy her some time. She hates to be vague, but she doesn't know what else to do.

Bethy has been asking her if she plans on telling Joe, because he may not let her leave work early forever. Bethy has been able to placate and reassure Joe that Eliza has a valid reason, but she only can keep it up for so long.

There has also been talk about the body that was found near the hotel. Many people came to William Dwyer's funeral, but it was more out of obligation than of genuine respect. While many didn't suspect Willy to be a viper, he hadn't made a good impression on the town, given his "holier than thou" attitude. And they aren't as concerned about who died, but that there may be a killer on the loose, and that it could very well be the same people who are committing the crimes around town. They suppose Willy tried to stop the vandals from destroying the hotel, and that he was killed in his attempt. Eliza knows differently, but if she were to come forward with this information, undoubtedly it would point a finger in her direction. Now that Willy is gone, she wonders who will take his place. Would the gang eventually disband? What if they know who did it?

Eliza has to get out of here. She needs to leave as soon as Arthur gives her the go-ahead. She has been subtly packing in preparation to leave, but she is packing light. She really doesn't have much. All of which can fit in one carpet bag and her hope chest.

Now all she can do is wait.


It's now June. While the summer begins to reveal the high desert heat, Eliza is grateful that her nausea is gone. Now she can't seem to keep up with her hunger, as she craves ridiculous things. Lately, it's been jelly beans with chicken. On her lunch break, she'll take a bite of some chicken and then throw some jelly beans in her mouth. Something about the combination of sweet and salty helps satisfy cravings.

Every night when she prepares to go to bed, she looks at herself in the mirror, scanning over her body to see if it has changed any. Aside from Bethy, she couldn't ask anyone about their experience with pregnancy, and even with Bethy, it was awkward.

Her body has changed, she has gained some weight, especially since her appetite has returned. Then again, she was leaner before, so her figure only looks more filled out. Her hair is shinier and has grown a few inches. She's thought to cut it, but simply braids it or pins it all up instead. She tries to imagine what she will look like with a pregnant belly and wonders how people will treat her.

She thinks of the words that Willy called her. A slut and a whore. Did Arthur see her that way, too?

It is the afternoon, and Eliza is being assessed by Dr. Howell.

"Is everything alright, Doctor?" she eagerly asks.

Dr. Howell puts away his stethoscope and washes his hands.

"The baby is still too small to detect a heartbeat, but everything seems to be going well. As long as you continue to take it easy and go for your evening walk, you should be fine."

Eliza sighs.

"Do you need more of those tablets?

"No, thankfully I'm not sick to my stomach anymore."

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