Chapter Twenty-Three: Wishing for a Happily Ever After

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It is the end of August. Only two weeks have gone by, though it feels like years. Eliza has managed to keep both herself and Isaac busy while also not letting on that they are both lonesome for their favorite cowboy. They have been in town every day, as Eliza has resumed work as the hotel maid. Mrs. Stiles has welcomed Isaac's visits while she works, but it won't be long before her own children are back at school.

After a long day of cleaning rooms and changing linens, Eliza leaves the hotel. Her feet ache as she heads to the mercantile but she is relieved that she and her son will be home soon.

As she enters the store she sees Mrs. Ford. It's been a while since she's seen her.

"Mrs. Ford!" Eliza greets. Mrs. Ford turns around. She has dark circles around her eyes. Eliza also notices the size of her stomach. Did she have her baby already?

Mrs. Ford's lips quiver.

"Sarah...?" Eliza asks, stepping forward. Mrs. Ford covers her mouth and begins to leave. Eliza lightly takes her by the arm. "What's wrong?"

Mrs. Ford shakes her head. Eliza takes her shoulders and they exit the store.

Finding a place to sit, they settle next to each other. Eliza rubs Mrs. Ford's shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Eliza asks, concerned.

Mrs. Ford places a hand on her chest and takes in a few deep breaths. Eliza doesn't speak and waits patiently for an answer.

"Oh, Eliza. I...I lost my baby."

Eliza's heart drops into her stomach.

"When did this happen?"

"A month ago. I had prayed that this wouldn't happen again. We thought we were safe, as nothing had happened yet, but it didn't matter..."

This wasn't her first pregnancy. How many times had she and the reverend tried to become parents?

Eliza takes her handkerchief out of her little purse and hands it to her. "I'm so sorry, Sarah. I never knew..."

"We haven't told many people. I had just hoped that this time would have been different..."

Eliza hugs Mrs. Ford and lets her cry for a while.


Eliza opens the door to the cabin and Isaac filters in behind her. The tragedy that befell Mrs. Ford still reeling in her mind. Isaac can tell something is bothering her.

"Mommy? What's wrong?"

Eliza hangs up her hat and takes a deep breath. "I'm just sad, son."

"Do you want a hug, Mommy?"

Eliza looks down at him and nods. He reaches up to hug her and she bends down. As he wraps his arms around her, she goes to her knees, bringing him close. As she holds him, she starts to cry. Isaac strokes her head.

"It's okay, Mommy."

Eliza tries to suppress her tears, but cannot. She cannot imagine losing Isaac. She now can affirm that she has no regrets about how she got here. Isaac is a precious gift. She's blessed to have a son like him.


September looks promising--harvesting vegetables and canning most of them. I don't know what is wrong with me lately, but the smell of tomatoes makes me feel sick-- I could barely get through canning them all. I had to go lay down afterwards.


Eliza wipes her mouth after hurling behind the cabin. Her forehead is misty with sweat and her knees wobble. She's never felt sick like this. At the same time, deep down, she knows she has. It was about four years ago.

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