Chapter Seventeen: Three Years and a Winter Gunslinger

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Three years have come and gone. The seasons change and they return, adding new memories. Eliza and Isaac have a little home now and they make a perfect little pair. Eliza works at the hotel for shorter hours, and Mr. Gibbs allows her to bring little Isaac along. Those that know them absolutely adore Isaac and being with her at work is the only time he gets to socialize. Eliza has always been a private person, but not Isaac. He loves to share with anyone who is willing to listen to crazy stories that he makes up on the fly. Eliza is proud of his creativity.

It is winter again. On a trip to the mercantile, she purchased herself a diary. It was green felt with gold paint on it, with pink flowers in the center. She thought that it would be wise to find a way to finally write thoughts down. She could write all of her personal feelings and let them out since she couldn't confide in anyone about her past.

It is a cold night and as she settles for the evening, she writes in her journal. She goes from the beginning when she first met Arthur, and how Isaac came to be. She doesn't go into every detail, which would take too long, but enough details to where it feels right. She does not write down Arthur's name. She doesn't want anyone to come across her journal and learn about him. If he was to ever get in trouble, it wouldn't be because of her. She loves Arthur, and always will, despite the few men that have come to call on her.

She then starts to write about the present.

For the past three years, I have made friends in some neighbors. I work as a maid for the town's hotel and work a garden. The vegetables we harvest are enough for the two of us and for when Isaac's father visits. I don't know exactly when he comes, but it has been at least once every three to five months or so. I am impressed that no one knows about us. None of my neighbors who have come to call have ever seen him. They all still assume that I am a widow.

I have had some men show interest in me--they take great pains to get close with my son. It has been hard for Isaac, too--to have been taught from a young age to lie about who his father is--when he knows good and well that he is very much alive. But it needs to be this way.

It is hard to tell my son why his father leaves so often. So I tell him that his father is an adventurer and goes to explore the wild frontier. This gives them much to talk about when they meet again.

Despite what he is and what he does, he is a good father to Isaac. But I've seen him change since we first met.

I can see he has hardened some. He's stronger and more gruff. But he is more engaging with me--perhaps more than when he was making eyes at me all those years ago.

He never kisses me in front of Isaac, but I wish he would. I want Isaac to see some type of love--so that he may learn how to be an honest man when he pursues a lady. Sure, that is a ways off, but Isaac is very smart. I know he pays attention to everything. I know I went to school, but I don't think he got his smarts from me.

She draws a dark line under her entry and closes the book. She rubs her tired eyes and goes to check in on her son. Opening his bedroom door slowly, she peeks in and sees her little boy sleeping peacefully. It makes her smile to see such an energetic boy at rest, what dreams he must have!

She closes the door and then goes to her room to sleep. She had to get up early in the morning to milk the cow and work the little home that they built.


Eliza wakes up and sees that the sun has already risen. She slept in! Quickly getting out of bed, she puts on her slippers and goes to the fireplace. She gets kindling and logs in the fire and attempts to steady her hands as she strikes the flintstones. The fire ignites and she attempts to warm her hands.

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