6. Runaway

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Kari's POV:

I'm good at many things. I'm smart and the most polite kid out here. You don't even know how scary high school students can be these days. But there's one thing I'm not good at. Facing my problems.

That's why I always end up running away. Call me a coward but in my whole life, I never once regretted that I ran away.

Me in elementary school:

"You like me?" I confirm pointing at myself. He nods.

"Why?" I ask him in surprise.

"You're pretty. You have big eyes like me and a cute forehead." Jungwon smiles, "So, it's our Day 1, right?"

"For what?" I ask again. He comes closer to me and flicks his finger on fingers on my forehead. That hurts like hell! Didn't he say it was cute?

"Yah! I'm asking you to date me," he chuckles. "What does that mean?" My dumbass asks.

"That means we'll hold hands and come to school together and walk each other home."

"Aaaah," My jaw drops, "But my house is so far from yours."

He thinks for a second and smiles, "We can handle that. Nothing is impossible in love. So, do you like me too?"

"Jungwon-ahh" I awkwardly smile, "I will answer after I come back from the restroom." I take my bag and head out.

"Why are you taking your school bag to the restroom?" He asks.

I just don't simply run away, you need the right timing to do so. Not too early but not too late. And that's when I ran out of school and did not come back for a few days. In other words, I completely ghosted Yang Jungwon.

When I returned to school, he did not talk to me. He must've been so hurt. I feel bad for him now that I've grown up. I'm such an ass. 

Even though I didn't know what dating was, I didn't date him because his house was too far from mine. Don't ask me why I did that. I was a freaking six-year-old. 

And I overthink.

Me in middle school:

"Ryunjin-ahh, calm down..." I put my hands out in defense, "We can talk this out."

"Talk? Yah! Hikari! Wait there..." She is on the other side of the table. Were running around it for like 5 minutes. "I'm coming to get you."

"Girls," My mom calls us from the garden, "Stop fighting or I'm gonna make you two clean this garden."

I got scared of that, but Ryujin didn't. Her focus was on me.

Ryujin and I decided to paint on each other's favorite T-shirts colorfully and gift each other on friendship day. She painted a unicorn on my T-shirt. That's beautiful. 

I'm not complaining. And I painted a poop emoji on her shirt. I don't know why she is furious. The poop emoji is cute tho.  Well... to be honest that painting isn't that cute .

"Once I catch you," She smiles evilly, "You're done."

That's true. But she is not gonna catch me. Hah! I have this all planned out.

When she moves right, I'mma go left. When she moves left, I'mma go right. I'm a genius. The world is blessed to have me.

But she does something unexpected. She steps on the table and comes straight to me.


I ran out of my house in a split second.

Me in high school:

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