14. Hiking

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Kari's POV:

All the students including those from class 3 assembled after getting the announcement from our teacher.

I am honestly so pissed at how Hyunjin behaved earlier. And, surprise! We're climbing a mountain.

It's not really much, those who pick the same number will get paired up. They have to be a team and reach their destination. I turned around to check where my friends are and turns out, they are not in as good condition as I was, because of the hangover. I hope they have a reason to explain to Mr.Kim.

"Looks like everyone is here. Pick your numbers one after the other." He placed a box of chits in front of us. It was my turn to pick a number.


"Who's seven?" Felix asks loudly. Everyone suddenly got busy and noisy searching for their partner.

"What's yours?" I ask my friends. Zuha and Eunchae show their number, they both got five. Lucky! Then at a distance, I see Minho walking towards Jisung. We haven't talked today. And after what Hyunjin said, it made me more anxious to talk to Minho.

"Where's eighteen?" I sigh, not wanting to spend the next few hours with someone I don't even know from another class.

"Search for them yourself." Zuha says.

"Alright, let me help you. Who is Kari's eighteen?" Zuha shouts so that everyone can hear.

After a few seconds, I see Hyunjin walking towards us with his hands in his pockets. He had a serious look on his face, "You're not gonna let me live in peace, are you?"

"Huh? What?"

He sighs taking his hand out of the pocket and showing his number. Eighteen.

"Ain't no way I'm going hiking with you!" I scoff, not bothering to hide rolling my eyes. Why does he talk like I'm following him around?


"And your cellphone?" 

"Yes, sir!" Everyone says.

"And your bags?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Call me or Mr. Min if something is wrong. Despite the fact that there are many of us and you'll come across at least one if you get lost, you have the GPS. Don't lose your phones. Move along now.

"Yes, sir!" I wear my bag that contains all of the essentials, and glance at the person standing beside me. "Carry it." He throws his bag in my face and walks away. I close my eyes, gritting my teeth not to burst out. His bag isn't even heavy and I wouldn't have had any problem carrying it if he asked nicely.

"Just because you've had a bad day doesn't mean I should let you ruin mine, too."

"Why are you so light-dressed? Didn't you say you're gonna catch a cold?" He asks. He's wearing a brown leather jacket and even gloves. It's not even chilly and It's still August, except we're in the mountains. I then take a look at what I'm wearing, a white crop top with some doodles and denim shorts.

"Heavy bags and heavy clothes will be the cause of my death." I shrug, wearing his bag in the front, and this is not the first time.

"You're gonna catch a col-"

"Why do you even care, Hyunjin?" I sigh, walking faster.

"I don't. Just letting you know that you're being illogical, I suppose." He looks at me as if I was unbelievably ridiculous. "Tell me if you feel cold." He adds and looks away, clearing his throat.

I blinked at him as I smirked a little, "What are you gonna do? Are you gonna give me that jacket you're w-"

"No." He immediately declines. And I fell silent, as I awkwardly nod.

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