11. Fruit Farm

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Kari's POV:

"I'm sorry but who is he again?" I raise my brows, utterly confused.

"Hong Jiwook." Zuha giggles linking her arms with him. "And... how do you know him?" I ask again.

"Don't you know him? He's from Class 3." She smiles. "Well, I guess we know he exists," Jeongin states while Minho and Eunchae's jaws are still hanging.

"So you guys met yesterday on the ship?" I question.

"Yeah." The Jiwook guy smiles sheepishly. Zuha squeals, "And we really match."

"And you decided to date him?" I confirm, not believing my eyes.

"Yup, day 1!" She nods, excitedly.

I look at the others with a horror look on my face, gritting my teeth, "Who the hell left her alone?"


"So, which one are you gonna pick?" Eunchae asks us.

It's the first day of the trip. All the four teachers are going to four different places and it's up to us to pick where we're visiting.

"Not with Mr.Min. I came here with my family last year. Zip-lining is exciting but I'll go with Ms.Lee. You can never find the markets of Jeju in Seoul." Zuha says. "I'm going with Jiwook, so it won't be boring."

"I'll give my name to Mr.Kim. He's going fishing. I'll bring a lot of fish." Minho waves at us taking Jeongin with him.

We're here in Jeju renting a university dorm. Many were disappointed that we weren't staying at a hotel. Apparently, it's common for high schoolers to rent a college dorm for a trip. That's what Mr.Kim said to cheer us up.

I look around the hall to see Hyunjin standing in a line with fewer people while Ms.Choi notes down their names. Ms.Choi is an old lady and a very professional one.

"Eunchae, where is Ms.Choi going?" I ask her.

"A fruit farm."

"A fruit farm?" I furrow my brows. "Are you telling me that that punk is going to a fruit farm?"

Eunchae turns in the direction of Hyunjin, "Probably. Why do you ask? You're coming to zip-lining with me, right?"

I think for a bit. "I think I wanna go to the fruit farm."

"Why?" Eunchae frowns.

"I... have gone Zip-lining before. So..."

"That's what Zuha said." Eunchae sighs. I look around not meeting her eyes. She sighs again, "Be honest with me. Are you trying to annoy that poor guy again?"

"What? No!" I scoff. 

"I heard he fell on the ship yesterday. And someone tied his shoelaces to the wrong shoes." Eunchae raises her brows at me.

"Well, he asked me to bow lower. I made him bow the lowest." I shrug. She sighs again.

"Stop sighing already. I won't even go near him, okay?"


I gave it. My name. To Ms.Choi.

Now, I'm sitting in a minibus waiting for everyone else to come. Guess I'm too early. And the first person to get on the bus was...


Ugh! I think I made a big mistake choosing this. I should've gone with Eunchae. He gives that smile, "Kari, guess no one is sitting on the seat beside you." He walked straight to me.

But before he could come, someone bumped him and walked past him, and sat beside me. It happened so fast, I didn't realize who it was until the person says, "Too bad. The seat's taken."

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