8. Alone?

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Hyunjin's POV:

"Make yourself at home," Iseul says throwing her bag on a chair, while I throw myself on the couch. Aah! I love this couch. Only if there's a six-feet wide couch at my hou-

"But don't get yourself too comfortable." She smiles, clearly with sarcasm in her tone.

"Umm... Okay." I sit straight up on the couch. I don't know why I'm even here.

Oh yeah, she lured me in. But... But! I can't believe my legs automatically walked into the house of my nemesis.

"Where's your mom?" I ask her. "At work?" She casually shrugs.

"Your dad?" I ask again. Now, she's a little bit confused. Well, I'm the one who should be. "Umm... what do you have to do with my parents?" She asks back walking back to the door and she's... locking it?

"Why are you locking the door?" I stood up this time.

She turns back, walking past the couch. "Because I don't want an intruder coming in?"

"Oh..." I slowly sit back down, "Are you sure we're not gonna kill ourselves since it's just us two?"

"Oh, God. Stop talking nonsense!" She rolls her eyes and tosses a remote... a TV remote over to me. "I'm gonna come back in a few minutes. So... pass your time..." She ties her hair into a bun and heads to her bedroom.

"And don't leave. You're dead meat if you do." She shouts from back there.

This is weird. She hates to even look me in the eye. And I'm at her house? Because she, herself, wanted me to come in. What's wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with her? She's talking to me. Like... casually. Something is fishy.

Then she comes back after half an hour, changed into a white hoodie and baggy pants, struggling to pull a blue suitcase. What is she even doing?

"Are you running away from home?" I question with a confused face. "What?" She asks surprised, "No! This is for tomorrow."

"So..." She slowly slides sitting beside me and facing me on the couch, "My dad is on a business trip. And he'll not come back till the end of the month."

"Okay...?" I raise a brow.

"He usually hides his Makgeolli from my Mom because she has alcoholic gastritis..." She pauses to look at my puzzled face. "Oh! It's not that severe, don't worry."

"Why are you even telling me that?" I narrow my eyes at her.

"I know where he hides that." She sheepishly shrugs.


"It would be very helpful if you hand these over to Yeji." She takes out three Makgeolli bottles with a smile.

"I- what?" I stand up unintentionally raising my voice and it cracked. "You're bringing alcohol? You think you won't get caught during the inspection. Or at the port. And my sister is taking part in this?"

"They don't go through our baggage at the port. They'll dump it in. But if they do, we've planned it out. Um, we'll slip it into Ms.Lee's bag without her knowing. She's an adult." She shrugs. "I mean, everyone is planning it. Chan is hiding his in Mr.Min's bag."

"And what about Mr.Kim?" I ask her out of curiosity. "Nah! We'll get caught. He probably did every sort of thing in high school. He knows us too well." She explains.

"Ha!" I scoff, "You think I won't tell him after you spilled everything?"

"You're kidding!" She laughs.

"You won't." She sneers. "I will!" I argue.

"Well, you better think twice about that." She widens her eyes, almost like challenging me as she walks by me to take my school bag into her hands.

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