15. Back up

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Kari's POV:


He doesn't have his phone with him. I stare at Kkami on his lock screen. And then, at the time,

6:13 p.m.
What if he got lost?
He's probably already lost.

I'm heading back to the place we parted ways.

He's a fool. Does he ever think with his brain?

And the sun is almost about to set. What if he really gets lost?

"Hey!" Another encounter today. I stop in my tracks to face Changbin and Beomgyu.

"Have you seen Hyunjin on your way?" I asked him, totally forgetting the greeting part, which Changbin was surprised at, but then he replied. "Is he your partner?"

"Yeah, but he's been an ass, so I left." I breathe, catching my breath after frantically sprinting to search for him.

"Oh." Changbin narrows his eyes, thinking for a bit. Then he says, "No, I haven't seen him."

"You can try calling him," Beomgyu suggests.

"About that." I tighten my lips, showing them his phone.

"Oh." This time, they both say

"Okay, then." I sigh. I can't keep you waiting. Go on. Since he is a partner of mine, I will look for him. But text me if you see him before I do. And don't let him know that I looked for him."

Ego. Hyunjin had an extra jacket in his bag and asked me to tell him if I was cold. That's something I would not expect from him. especially not for me. But I still couldn't control myself from softening at that.

It always makes me wonder how it would be if we were friends. And none of this pointless competition existed to begin with. But I could never be sincere with him because of my damn ego.

"Okay." Changbin and Beomgyu nodded.

"Thanks." I smiled while walking away. "And wait, if it gets too dark, we should contact Mr.Kim. He's gonna cry."

"Mr.Kim?" Changbin snorts.

"No. Hyunjin." I snap, sighing shortly after. "I mean, he just doesn't like to be in the dark."

Now that I think about it, I know a lot about him. And because I would be there with him, I had the irrational belief that he would be fine even if I scared him and pranked him in the dark.

I don't think I ever thought that I must have been so annoying to him. No wonder he hates me.

I feel bad.

I feel awful.


(while teams were being said.)

Jisung's POV:

Yeah, I finally heard my name, along with Minho's. Gosh! I was trying my best not to stay with him too much. After all, he is my ex, but can I? I still like him; I'm not sure if he does, but... NO, I CAN'T LIKE HIM. Have I gone insane? Of course, I shouldn't like him. But I need to get this hiking done.

"Minho, come on, let's just get this done." I said. I was a bit irritated that I kept getting paired with him almost all of the time.

Minho's POV:

"Minho, come on, let's just get this done." I heard Jisung say. I could also tell that he wasn't happy doing this with me.

I felt a bit disappointed in that, but I let it slide. After all, I couldn't be disappointed in my squirrel. I also need to find an opening to ask about what Hyunjin meant and what Jisung meant last night. And we started hiking.

First, it was awkward, like, hell awkward. I could practically hear the crows cawing.

"Ji, there is something I need to ask you."

"Don't call me that. We are no longer boyfriends. You do realize that, right?", He said and now I was annoyed.

"Oh? then why did you call me Min last night? Also, last night you didn't seem irritated with the fact that I called you Ji." I was a bit annoyed...


Last night

"Jisung-ah, you are drinking a bit too much, you know?" I heard Chan say:.

"It is never too much to drink, you know, Channie~~", Jisung whined. He was drunk heavily at that.

"Stop it. Don't drink  anymore, I said sternly.

"Come on, min~, don't tell me you care about me," he started.

"Hell no, I don't want us to get caught. We are doing this in secret." I mumbled. I know it was dumb to come up with this, but this was the least I could do with all eyes on me.

"You know what, Ji? Come on, let's go to our tent. I don't want you spoiling our plans with a loud mouth." And I carried him to our tent. Ironically, we are sharing one along with a few others.

Successfully, I did put him under his sheets, but he kept mumbling something.

"Min...whatever I said then was a lie... I never-" Jisung started, but I wasn't ready to listen to the rest, at least not when he was drunk.

"Ji, you are drunk Just go to sleep. I'm leaving." and I left him there.


"What are you talking about?" Jisung said, a bit flustered at that.

"Look, Jisung. Is it true that whatever you said while breaking up was a lie?" I asked calmly.

"What do you mean? Where did you get that from?" He started panicking.

"You said it. last night. Drunk." I deadpanned.

"Fudge! I'm never drinking again, he mumbled to himself, but I could hear it. "No, it's not true. So, I think it's best if you stay away from me now." He continued a bit louder this time as if trying to convince himself.

"Look here, Ji. Is there something bothering you? We have been in a relationship for over 3 years, and I can feel it when you lie. So, please answer honestly, I said.

He kept looking into my eyes to find out if I was lying and finally answered.

"Yes, it's true." My eyes glowed after this.

"Then why did you?" I started, but he broke with me by saying only one thing.

"My mother...It's because of my mother...I'm sorry. I'm sorry." and then he broke down.

I hugged him "It's okay. I get it. I never blamed you to begin with. If you had this before, it wouldn't have come to this situation, right?"

I kept calming him down. Honestly, I didn't have to do much; just hugging him felt reassuring to him in my arms.

"So, friends?" I asked with no intention of rushing him to conclude anything.

"Friends!" He finally beamed.

"Alright, now that we have slacked enough, let's continue our hike."

We laughed. And after a lot of time, it felt content, as if coming from the heart. It looks like I can finally relax.



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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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