5. Why I hate her...

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Hyunjin's POV:

No reason? That's not it. Geez, I sounded like an asshole. There must be a reason.

"Ryujin, am I full of myself?" I ask her. "Don't disturb me." She replies aggressively writing something.

"Yes, you are." Seungmin answers. "Bruh!!" I roll my eyes at him.

"I have like 5 minutes to complete this assignment before Mr.Kim comes into the class." Ryujin talks while writing.

"Are you writing about Jeju too?" Jisung asks peeping at Ryujin's work.

"Do we have an assignment to submit?" Changbin wakes up. He comes early to school just to sleep for another hour. "Yah! Hyunjin, you knew?"

"Mmm." I nod. 

"You jerk! You should've told me." He cries.

"Hwang Hyunjin, how can you hate someone for no reason? You are such a JERK!!!"

"I'm such a jerk..." I accidentally mutter looking down.

"Woah... bro, it's not that serious," Changbin pats me on the back. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Yeah, I know," I snap out of it and turn to Ryujin. "So, tell me. Why do you hate me?"

Ryujin, who is still busy writing, speaks, "I don't hate you. So, if you ask me something again, I'm gonna kick you into the wall."

"Yeah, give her a break." Jisung says, "Look at the pressure she's putting on that pen. It's gonna break soon." He adds observing how fast her hands are moving.

"Talk to us!" Changbin changes his voice deep and makes a serious expression on his face. And the boys burst into laughter. 

"Ugh!" I groan. "That's why I'm not asking any of you. You guys can't be serious for one second."

"Okay, we'll be serious." Jisung sits signing he's ready to listen.

I gulp, "You know... Iseul," I look down. "What's the reason that you guys hate her?"

I look at Jisung's face first waiting for his answer. He pokes his cheeks with his tongue thinking for a second, "I don't really hate her. She treats me good."

Betrayal! He is my friend. How can he say that about my enemy? 

I scoff at him, "Oh! Because she's your ex-boyf-"

"Honestly," Changbin starts, cutting me off. Thank god he did! "I think we would've been friends if this whole 'Kari and Hyunjin rivalry' isn't there."

"Me too," Felix agrees with him. "Last time we talked, she asked me to record her a wake-up alarm with my voice."

Uhh... Iseul is so weird. "Then what did you do?"

"I did it." He shrugs, "Bet she wakes up in cold sweat."

And I look at Seungmin now, "No, bro. I don't hate anyone. Haters are idiots."

He called me an idiot. No doubt, this brat just called me an idiot.

"I am done. And the pen didn't break." Ryujin smirks at Jisung and turns to me, "And I do hate her."

I finally smile, "Right? We hate her for no reason and that's not wrong."

"You're wrong. I have a reason." Ryujin shrugs. "What reason?" I frown.

"You know in middle school..." Jisung trails off. "What?" I question. He widens his eyes signaling me not to talk anything.

Ah! Ryujin and Iseul... they were bestfriends till middle school. They were inseparable. Ryujin wasn't even our friend, to begin with.

But something happened between those two. And no one knows why they aren't friends since last year. They don't even look in the eye anymore

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