7. The Stalker

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Hyunjin's POV:

It was almost time for the break and Mr.Yoongi was too engrossed in his lecture but I was too distracted. I tried to listen but somehow I couldn't.  I couldn't forget yesterday's incident. It kept lingering in my head...

"I'm being stalked," Iseul said.

"What?" I didn't know what to do. She was literally panicking, so I took her to a nearby café to calm her down. I got her some bubble tea, which relaxed her a bit. "What do you mean you're being stalked?" I asked her worried. 

It wasn't every day you run into a panicked Iseul. I've never seen her like this so it really got on my nerves. "Do you know who it is?"

"I'm not completely sure but I have a brief idea?" She said, her voice almost whispering. "I only saw their shoes and they reminded me of only one person... Moon Jaejoon"

I could connect the dots... I've known that he was into Iseul but I never thought he would take it to this extent.

"Why don't you inform your parents or anyone? I don't think you should just hide this fact..." I asked.

"I-I don't know... I don't want my parents to worry. I would rather keep it to myself than say it to anyone else." She said sipping the bubble tea nervously. She was never the type to worry her parents, so she kept most of her thoughts to herself but I don't think this is a matter to just hide within herself and deal with it...

"Then why don't you inform Mr.Seokjin? Since he is our homeroom teacher and is associated with you and Jaejoon too. So it might be a better option." I was surprised. I didn't know I was a genius. I couldn't believe I came up with this solution. I could almost see her hesitating.

"And no, I'm not gonna take 'No' as an answer. You need to do something about this. Don't be a coward." I said, "So now come on, I'll drop you home."

The bell rang. Finally, I went over to Iseul's desk. "Iseul, come. We're going! Now!" I said as I caught her by her arm and headed for the teacher's lounge.

"Is it really necessary? I mean I can manage-" Iseul began. I was just wondering why she was quietly making me lead the way to the teachers' lounge. "Manage? Oh yeah, right!" I scoff. "You were doing a very good job managing, you know. Last night says otherwise."

"Yah! Why do you even care? It's not like we are even friends!" Well, now that struck hard and bad.

I didn't know how to reply. She didn't say anything wrong. I don't even know why I was worried for her. I just took her to the lounge. Yes, she didn't stop bickering, but hey! I'm Hwang Hyunjin! I don't care what she says.

I pushed open the teacher's lounge door and greeted the teachers. We found our way to Mr.Kim.

"Mr.Kim, we um... have something to share with you. Privately if you don't mind, sir." I asked him politely. He raised his brows seeing the peculiar pair of students standing in front of him. "Sure." He said and we came out of the lounge, into the corridor where there was no soul around.

Of course, not like anyone would want to come to the teachers' lounge willingly. "So what is it?" Mr.Kim asked concerned. I looked at Iseul. Well, great that she wasn't shooting daggers at me.

"Umm... Sir, I think..." and she stopped and looked at me with an expression saying 'I can't' so I just went ahead and said it. "Sir, she thinks she is being stalked."

Mr.Kim turned towards Iseul as if making sure what I said was correct, to which she nodded. THANKFULLY.

"Who do you think it is? Did you see their face?" Mr.Kim asked clearly worried.

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