3. It all began with a creep

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It was finally lunch break. I rushed to the mess hoping that there would be something tasty today.

On the way, I saw a tall figure beside almost trying to pass me, and well, 'Hyunjin alert' screamed in my radar. That was enough to make me sprint all the way to the mess.

And yes I was first or not... who would've thought that our friends are already here.

"Yeji!" I said. "Chan." He said.

"You guys are early today. When did you even leave the class?" I asked cuz seriously I didn't see them going out of the classroom, not like I saw them in the class anyway.

"While you were busy glaring at each other to death." Chan chuckled.

"Oh," Then my friends decided to show up along with Eunchae.

I turned to her and was about to introduce Chan and Yeji to her when Chan interrupted me, "Hi! Eunchae, right? I'm Bang Chan and this is Hwang Yeji. We are umm... friends of Kari and Hyunjin... which is special?" He shrugs awkwardly.

"And stressful!" Yeji side-eyes him.

They're very bad at introductions.

"Hwang?" Eunchae turns to Hyunjin. "You both have the same-"

"He's my twin," Yeji says chuckling.


"Ugh! I got 57th rank." Zuha groans while we're coming out of our classroom.

"Guys, let's go to noraebang." She jumps in excitement.

"I have to go home early since this is my first day. Sorry!" Eunchae makes an apologetic look. Now Zuha looks at me, "I have to ask my mom." She groans again.

"I'm going. I had a great day today. Bye." Eunchae leaves. I made a new friend today. A cute one.

My bicycle's chain broke because of Hyunjin's bicycle so I had to give it to the repair shop in the morning. But, I'm happy that his bicycle's chain broke too.

Zuha and I came out of the school just to see that Jaejoon waiting at the entrance. He smiles when he notices my presence.


"Kari-ahh," He says approaching us. "Let me take you home."

"No. She's coming to my house." Zuha says holding my hand and dragging me from there.

"Then I'll tag along." He says following us.

"Don't you have anywhere else to go? Leave, will you?" I stressed it to him in the most polite way possible.

"Kari-ahh," He says placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Let go!" Shit! Why does this bastard keep testing my patience? I can't get into a fight with him. Violence is not an option.

"Don't be rude to me. I'm coming with you since it's dangerous for you outside." He smiles tightening his grip on my shoulders. His face is right in front of me. I wanna punch it so bad. God, don't make me lose it!

"Oh come on, don't act dumb. You know how much I missed you during our mid-term break."

"Yah! Moon Jaejoon!" A male voice calls him and I think I know whose it is. Not think I DEFINITELY know who it is.

Hwang Hyunjin.

As soon as he comes to us, he pulls Jaejoon away from me and wraps his arm around him.

Holding his phone in one hand, he laughs strangling Jaejoon with his arm in a friendly way..?

"Are they friends?" Zuha leans in and asks me.

"Yah! Jaejoon, why didn't you talk to me today? You know how much missed you during our mid-term break." He mysteriously laughs tightening his grip around Jaejoon's neck.

Jaejoon groans in pain, "Hey! You crazy guy! Let go of me."

"Wait, isn't he strangling him too hard?" Zuha freaks out and then the realization hits her, "Sometimes I think Hyunjin is pretty cool."

Me too... Wait, what?

"Zuha chan, we don't like Hyunjin." I snap.

Hyunjin finally releases Jaejoon. Jaejoon hold his neck trying to breathe, "You're a psycho!" Jaejoon yells trying to punch Hyunjin.

But he dodges that and gives a light slap to Jaejoon. "Yah!" Hyunjin says laughing evilly, "I didn't even strangle you that hard. How are you so weak? Be careful! It's 'dangerous' outside."

Zuha's jaw drops, "Daaaaaaaaammmn cool!"

"We.Don't.Like.Hyunjin." I repeat.

Hyunjin turns to me, "Here you are, Hikari."


"Eomma, I found her," Hyunjin says putting his phone near his ear.

"Eomma, you don't need to talk to her. I'll ask her." He says to his mother.

Jaejoon keeps glaring at Hyunjin and he notices it, "What you looking at? Get lost!" Hyunjin mouths to Jaejoon and walks towards us.

"Mm. Bye." He hangs up the call sliding his phone into his pocket.

"Yah!" He rolls his eyes. Now, that's the dramatic ass I know. "My mom invited you to dinner at my house. Let's go."

"I have to ask-"

"Your mother already gave permission. So, don't waste my time and walk, will you?" He sighs impatiently.

Zuha pulls me aside, "You said we don't like Hyunjin. Now you're going to his house?"

I tighten my lips, "Yes, we don't like Hyunjin. But we like his mother. So I have no choice."

There's one thing I forgot to mention. Hyunjin's mother and my mother, are friends... since high school. They reunited because of us. Having dinner at each other's house is not new.

Today's my day since I'm going to his house. His mother likes me a lot. She'd rather have me as her child.

But my mother likes Hyunjin a lot. She'd rather have him as her child. Just swap, guys!

Now you know the reason why Hyunjin's so pissed.

"Ugh! Let's go?" He groans.

"Walk in the front. I don't wanna walk with you." I say.

"As if I do." He scoffs walking ahead of me.



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