2. The transfer dilemma

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Eunchae's POV:

Eunchae was lost. She didn't know where to go, or who to approach until a guy... 'tall guy' approached her.

"Hi! I am Soobin. Mr.Seokjin has asked me to show you the school and help familiarize you with the new environment." He said with a gentle smile showing his dimples.

Just when he was about to take Eunchae out of the classroom both of them halted in their steps when they heard Hikari and Hyunjin bickering.

"Not again... it hasn't been half a day and they started their fight." Soobin sighed.

"HWANG HYUNJIN, if you call me by that again I won't hesitate to... I don't know! Kick your ass?" Hikari rose her voice.

"You know what? 'Iseul' I like calling you that. It gives me sort of happiness seeing you annoyed."

"Need help? Lemme call a psychiatric hospital for you!" The guy beside Hikari speaks for which she and her friend laughed.

"You seem to already know who Hikari and Hyunjin are. That guy over there is Lee Minho, Kari's bestfriend. The girl with a popsicle silently watching the drama is Nakamura Kazuha."

Just then a guy passes by them and stood beside Kazuha. "And that's Yang Jeongin."

"Oh~~ You mean your home?" The guy beside Hyunjin said making him smirk.

Eunchae looked at Soobin with curious eyes which made him chuckle, "That's Kim Seungmin. The girl pretty much strangling Seungmin is Ryujin and the freckled guy watching his friends with utter concern is Lee Felix. Two people are missing btw, pretty sure getting lectured by Mr.Seokjin."

Then he pauses taking a breath, "Just a reminder, Kari and Hyunjin pretty much hate each other to death. Means Hikari, Minho, Kazuha, and Jeongin are one group and the others in another."

"If I hear that name coming out of your mouth then I won't hesitate to send you to Ms.Lee, Hwang!" Kari warns.

"I don't know what's wrong with sending me to Ms.Jieun. Atleast I get to skip class and take some rest, Iseul."

Hikari then lost it all. Almost getting into a physical fight when the raven-haired guy, Yeonjun, the class president interrupted them with a glare and a threatening tone to his voice saying, "WILL YOU BOTH SHUT IT? OR YOU WANT ME TO SHOVE YOU BOTH OUT OF THE WINDOW?"

This made both Hikari and Hyunjin halt in their steps and return to their seats.

Well, the class prez is powerful after all!

Two guys entered the class and immediately felt the tension in the air. "Don't tell me you both fought again." The guy looking like a squirrel asked with a hint of worry in his tone.

"How is it that Mr.Kim never catches you both practically fighting like there's no tomorrow?" The short guy commented.

"The guy sounding worried is Jisung and the one beside him is Seo Changbin." Soobin clarified making Eunchae nod.

"So, which group do you want to join? Hyunjin haters' or Kari haters' ?" Soobin asks Eunchae.

"Is it what their groups are called? And do I really have to join one?" Eunchae asks. It's not like she doesn't like them. They're so cool. That's why she wants to be friends with everyone.

"Well, we call them that. And yes, you have to join one... unless you want to end up like Chan and Yeji." Soobin shrugs.

"Who are they?"

"You'll know. They are mutual friends. And we still have our group, but you'll probably get bored..." Soobin trails off.

Eunchae smiles, "Where are your friends?"

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