9. Movie

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Hyunjin's POV:

"I stole it."

"W-What?" Her face changes blank now.

"From Jaejoon. You remember Ms.Baek? That convenience store owner near our school." I speak in a low voice. "She gave Kkami extra food when I was buying for him. She's so kind. Her eyesight got poor due to her age. So,... she sold the pack to him not knowing it was a fake ID that brat showed."

Her lips tighten, not knowing what to say, "So you destroyed the evidence so her store won't get suspended?"

"Well, she asked me to." I sigh. "You know how he is. He told her he'd report her if she didn't keep selling cigarettes to him. And I stole it that day you came to my house. On the day, I kinda fought with him. I forgot to trash it away."

She didn't speak. Maybe out of guilt or maybe 'cause her alcohol plan is gonna fail now that she didn't have anything to threaten me with. So I continued, "And yesterday, in the alley, that's a short route to my house. Since I haven't brought the bicycle-"

"Stop." She says, "You don't have to explain,... anymore."

"Yeah?" I breathe, "Now, will you get off me?"

She didn't seem to remember she was sitting on me and giving me an earful seconds ago. Well, I've almost forgotten about it too. Because it didn't feel weird at all. Which is weird.


"Oh," Now, she gets off of me, not muttering another word... probably embarrassed or disgusted. She sits on the edge of the couch while I sit up on the other end.

And there was a silence in the room for a while. Not awkward. We just didn't choose to talk. Or fight. Or kill.

"I'll help you." I start, nudging my head to the bottles. "Only if I don't get in trouble." Perhaps, I knew I'd have to give in in the end.

"Selfish." She states, not looking in the eye.

"I said I'm helping you." I snap at her. "You know you're so careless for-"

"Yeah, alright." She speaks, softly, not wanting to fight back. "Thanks." She says.

What? D-Did she just thank me?


"I'm not saying it again, Hyunjin." She said.

"Yeah, but it's not every day that Miss Yamamoto says-"

"Do you wanna watch a movie, Hyunjin?" She asks cutting me off for the nth time now. And I was too dazed to notice that. Or I'd get mad.

"A what?" I narrow my eyes.
"A movie." She repeats.
"Why?" I ask.

"Because..." She thinks for a second, and she shrugs. "Just because."

Then she smiles.

Which made me look away, taking a long breath. And act like I was thinking.



Of course, I should've known it was a trap.

It was obvious. She would never have given me a genuine smile.

Either she's an unbelievably ruthless person or she doesn't know that horror movies frighten me. I bet it's the first. Why?

Because I helped her two times in two days? God, this girl is out of logic.

I haven't watched one since I was 10. I hug the pillow, tighter than ever now it's covering everything but my eyes, the one she threw on me before the movie had started.
She said, "Hold on to it. Bet you'll need it"

Love-ish~~ | | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now