Reunion with Eri-chan!

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A/N Hello one and all, I am glad that you all are loving this story! I finally found out how to get this image on the chapter and it only took a day and a half! I am proud to say that you guys just love my story telling as I am about to have another story in the works. I won't say anything yet since I am still researching about the characters and how to add them into the story, so I won't tell you all about it just yet. Well let's get this story started and let's go!

Izumi was walking towards the school with Issei on the third week that she had been going to said school. She noticed over the last few weeks that someone was spying on them based on her instincts over the amount of time in her old world where she had constantly watched her back growing up and never not trusted her gut. It was her mission to find Eri-chan as the little girl had been lost and Izumi made sure to tell Eri-chan before anything else happened that she would protect her. She and Issei had been getting closer over the last few weeks and Izumi didn't know why she was reacting this way to the boy who saved her life. 'Was this how Uraraka-chan felt when she asked me to be her girlfriend?' Izumi thought to herself as she walked towards her P.E class. After changing into her gym uniform, she had teamed up with Issei many times for the activities that their class had to undergo. Today though, they were doing a special exercise that had the partners teaming up to do trust exercises in which one might fall with their male counterpart and trust them to catch them, as well as make sure that they are alright. But the activity after that truly made her blush at the implications. She was to do a running race with her partner as their legs were tied together as they needed to work together in order to win. She had already had enough stamina due to her training to becoming a Heroine, but Issei really needed the stamina training when their teacher stated that they needed to train their bodies for this test and Izumi took to it like a lion hunting its prey and made Issei do it. So when it came to be their turn on the run, Issei and Izumi with all their training had managed to come in at least second place had another team not pushed them down and forced them to be in a compromising position. As the girls of the school berated Issei for what happened Izumi stuck up for him stating that the other team, a group of girls and guys who were jealous of Izumi and Issei's relationship, knocked them over and stopped Issei from getting more bad blood with the denizens of the school. It wasn't until the near end of the day that Izumi felt a presence near her and Issei that wasn't asking for malicious intent, but a loving intent. And as she turned around to see who it was, her eyes widened as she noticed a very noticeable horn on the girl's head as she was just a bit taller than Izumi herself. "Deku-chan!" The girl called out, jumping and hugging Izumi tightly. "W-What?" Izumi choked out, as the girl jumped back. "S-Sorry, but don't you remember me? I'm Eri!" The girl now known as Eri-chan called out. "E-Eri-c-chan?" Izumi asked, tears coming out. "Yup! I was sent back here with you! I am so glad that you're alright!" Eri called out, as Izumi busted out into tears as she hugged Eri close to her. "I-I-I thought that y-you were lost forever! *Sob*" Izumi cried as she hugged Eri. As Eri began to cry as well, a small group of people showed up announcing their presence. "Well, you are the one she called Deku-chan? I never knew that you'd be a Hero to her." A woman with red hair and teal colored eye said, smirking. "Who are you?" Izumi demanded as she put Eri and Issei behind herself. Unknown to her, Issei and Eri, Izumi's eyes began to turn into slits similar to that of either a cats or a Dragons. And the look of her as well as her growing power forming behind her as several spirits showed up behind Izumi made for quite the intimidation display. Although she thought nobody would see the spirits, everyone did as they saw multiple people wearing Hero suits staring down at them with a cautious vibe from them. "I-I-Izumi... who are they?" Issei asked, concerned as Izumi blushed as she hid her aura. "D-Don't ask right now, I will tell you about it later. Now you, what happened to you? I thought you were supposed to be seven years old!" Izumi said, looking at Eri, completely ignoring the red-haired girl. "Oh! I was placed back before what year is it?" Eri asked the red-haired girl. "2016." Issei said, as Eri nodded at him. "I came here a few years before you... so about 8 years ago!" Eri said as Izumi stared at her in shock. "D-Do you at least know how to s-smile?" Izumi asked, worried. "Yup!" Eri said, smiling. Izumi began to let out tears before the red-haired girl started to get annoyed at not being the center of attention and interrupted the moment. "I'm sorry for interrupting the moment, but can you please tell me what the hell I just witnessed?" The girl said. "Well I-" Issei was about to start, before Izumi placed her hand over the boy's mouth. "Talk later, when there isn't as many prying eyes as possible." Izumi said, taking both Eri and Issei away from the area. "Well that could've gone better." A black-haired woman said, smirking happily. "Akeno, we still don't know who she is! I need to have her in my peerage as well as Issei. From what I am sensing, it could be that we were sensing the Draconic aura of Izumi that was placing itself over Issei, kind of like her marking her territory." The red-haired girl said. "You're just jealous Rias." Akeno said. "Am not!" Rias called out, as both entered a battle of magic.


"Why are we at Issei-sans house? I live with the president of the Occult Research Club." Eri said, not amused. "I don't want you two near either of them." Izumi said, staring out the window thinking that they're safe. "What are you talking about? Rias onee-san was nice to me!" Eri said. "Did she ask you to do anything for her when she saved you?" Izumi asked, concerned. "Yeah, she asked me to join her peerage. Is that a bad thing?" Eri asked. "Peerage? What's that?" Izumi and Issei asked at the same time. "Well a peerage is a group of Devils that are kind of like a chess board, Rias is the king, Akeno-san is the Queen, Koneko-chan is the Rook and Kiba was the Knight! Oh! I am the bishop piece!" Eri said, as Izumi looked in horror. "N-No! Did they corrupt your mind with naughty thoughts Eri-chan!?" Izumi asked, now extremely worried. "What thoughts?" Eri asked. "Okay thank Satan that they didn't take away your pureness!" Izumi said, sighing in relief. "What do you mean by that?" Eri asked, concerned. "Eri-chan, Devils are the incarnations of the seven deadly sins! There is Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, and finally Pride! Each of the demons in Hell personify any of those traits! And most of them just want to have... have... have..." Izumi said, as her face was reddening as she tried to finish her sentence. "Basically Eri-chan, some devils in Hell just want to have sex every day until the end of time." Issei said, smirking at a deflating Izumi as she started to cry. "If you're worried about that, then I haven't even met one that was similar to that. The only one that I think is even close to that is Hikage Astaroth, but even then, she has men that she fucks on a daily basis. She doesn't even go after women." Eri said. "Okay Eri-chan I believe you. But you will tell me if you find someone who tries anything against you that you don't want right?" Izumi asked. "Yes, I will. I haven't met anyone who has the feeling of doing what you mentioned yet. But I will inform you about it." Eri said, smiling sadly. "Alright, why did Rias want to talk to us?" Izumi asked, then getting to the point. "Rias was looking for prospects for her peerage. She really needs some strong pieces for her upcoming fight with Riser-san. He is a real pervert, and he really only wants Rias onee-san as a trophy for those around him for him to lord around." Eri said, as Izumi stared at her in shock. "She hasn't thought about training herself to get strong enough to defend her own honor?" Izumi asked incredulously. "No, from what I think she seems to think that she can defeat him with her power alone, as well as strong pieces that will help her." Eri said, looking at Izumi and Issei. "If she wanted some help, she should learn to save herself. But me and Issei will not be joining her peerage. I want myself and Issei to be human, and not be a part of the Supernatural world." Izumi said, as Issei looked at her smiling. "I have to keep myself human for one of my childhood friends. One was with the church, she had been by my side as a kid, and I don't remember the other one." Issei said, looking to Eri. 'Well there is that plan done and dealt with. I don't have to see Rias do anything bad to force them now.' Eri thought to herself as she remembered her talk with Rias. 'Eri-chan I need you to talk to Izumi and Issei and try to get them to become my servants in order for me to have enough pieces to save myself from my marriage.' Rias said, looking to Eri. 'What happens if they decline?' Eri asked, worriedly. 'Don't worry I will make sure that nothing happens to them since they are within my territory.' Rias said, smiling.

Eri got up from her seat as Izumi looked at her. "I will be heading home now, I hope you both have a good night, Deku-san. See you at school tomorrow." Eri said, leaving the room. As soon as Eri left the room, Izumi looked over at Issei as he stared at her in shock as well as a shocked smile on his face. "I never knew that you could take the initiative like that." He said, smirking. "Shut up!" Izumi said, punching his shoulder. "OW!" He cried out, falling to the ground. "Sorry!" Izumi said, fretting over Issei's injury. Not far from their location a winged woman stared at the scene with anger as well as jealously. "I wanted to kill him myself, but if she insists on being in my way, I might as well as kill them both." The woman said, angrily before flying off.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoy it as it was the shortest chapter yet! I know you all wanted some more time with Eri, but I need to get the story going since I need to get Issei into the world of the Supernatural world. Next Chapter! Yuuma Amano.

1936 words!

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