Training to become the Big Three!

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A/N Hello to all my viewers! I have returned to make another chapter for this story! The quirkless Izuku revamp has been receiving great reads as well as viewership, and now I am ready to start making more chapters for the other stories! There will be another chapter being released today so you all be prepared for when you read this one that the story that will come out from me will be a good one. Yesterday I came up with an epiphany and thought about a new story where Izuku idolizes Recovery Girl and will probably make a story based on that. See you all then!

Izumi and her class were in their classroom as they prepared for their lessons after the events of the Overhaul fight. They had fought the Big Three who were the current best the school had to offer in terms of Hero students, and they were prepared to have a new Big Three to become even better than the previous ones. Izumi had been training as hard as she could since she never wanted to stay on the sidelines, and now that she has her younger body and the powers of One for All again, she will be stronger than ever before with her Draconic DNA. What happened back in Issei's home world was in the past as she made it her mission to forget about them, but the person who was brought with them hasn't even been brought back yet anyway. They were preparing for the test against the Final Exams for the year before they start on their final trails in their First Year of High School. With Issei being with her, Izumi didn't have to worry about dealing with the loneliness of her home when she would return to it when the school year ended. But right now, she was beginning to train herself with her senpai Mirio Togata. Otherwise known as Lemillion, the young man had lost his quirk in the battle against Overhaul as he was shot with a quirk erasing bullet and was training physically in order to get stronger. From her classmates she had learned that Shigaraki and the other villains hadn't been capable of gaining more supporters from the people they were against and had been killed by the Meta Liberation Army. But there was a serious problem... Shigaraki and Dabi hadn't been killed by the Army and were now M.I.A. With that information, Izumi knew that those two wouldn't hold still in one place and now that they knew that he had a giant on their side, the whole Heroic Society wouldn't wait until they defeated the Liberation Army to stop all villainy.


Izumi had been planted on the ground harshly as she had been flipped by Uraraka again. The young woman with brown hair and chocolate brown eyes had been keeping her eye on Hyoudou for a while and Izumi had been starting to get annoyed. "Uraraka-san, just tell him you like him already." Izumi said, bluntly as the girl blushed profusely. "B-B-But what about y-y-your re-relationship with him!" Ochako asked, as Izumi stared at her dumbly. "You are aware that he has a harem, right?" Izumi asked, as she stared into her friends' eyes. "H-He does?" Uraraka asked. "Yup, I am the lead woman, but the other girl he had in his harem is in his old world. But I believe that we should get back into training." Izumi said, getting into a fighting stance. The two girls would fight one another increasing their fighting styles when Ochako would start questioning Issei. "Is he a good person." Ochako asked, throwing a right hook. "Yup, he just hides his perverted personality behind a mask of indifference. It took me a while to make sure that his mask over his true feelings wasn't his perversion. Trust me..." Izumi said, as she blocked the strike and swiped the girl's feet out from under her. Just as Ochako hit the mat, Izumi's face was near the girl's ear as she spoke. "He's really good in bed." Izumi said, as she got back from the girl who was blushing madly about to pass out. With her out of commission, Izumi moved onto her next target who just so happened to be staring at her interaction with a pure bliss look. "Mina!" Izumi called out, and the girl jumped over to her. "What's up Izumi!" Mina called out, before blocking a punch. "Just what are you thinking telling Ochako not to pay attention to her feelings?" Izumi asked, as she blocked some kicks from her friend. "I haven't done anything of the sort, I've been trying to get a ship to sail! I know she likes Hyoudou, and that since you are approving of it, you are helping me with getting project Iseocha into the station!" Mina called out, swiping her fist through the air and landing on a raised left leg of Izumi. Izumi thought about her words and learned that they were true, but she moved over away from the woman and saw her upperclassman fighting Kirishima and Bakugo. "Can I fight Senpai?" Izumi asked both boys. "Sure thing Izumi!" Kirishima called out smiling. "Sure Deku, just make sure that you don't go crying to Pervert about your broken femur." Katsuki said, walking off. "With all the tension between both boy's you'd think that one is taking the D and the other is giving it." Togata said, as Izumi blushed crimson. "C-Can we fight already?" Izumi asked, as her Senpai nodded and laughed. "Just because you can tease your classmates about their love-lives, doesn't mean that you're immune to it!" Togata said, laughing as they clashed fists. "Sorry, just training to become one of the new Big Three is taking its toll on me since I want my friends to have their ships soar. Mina has been the one to watch them from afar, and since most of us has found our significant other, I want to help those remaining to get their own happy endings." Izumi said, as she dodged a kick from Togata. "HAHA! I knew that you'd been different lately. So how was your time in the other dimension?" Togata asked, curiously. "It was great before we met the little sister of the current Satan of the Underworld." Izumi said, as she started to gain a cold look in her eyes. "From what I remember that she killed your unborn child... correct?" Togata asked, with a sad look. "Y-Yeah, I just want to forget what happened there, but I just can't stop having nightmares of Rias eating my child in front of my face." Izumi said, as she stopped fighting and Togata did the same. "Hey hey! Look at me Kohai!" Togata said, gaining Izumi's attention. "If you worry about it too much you won't ever recover. You just gotta smile! If you can make people smile and laugh it will be worth it. If you keep looking back at it, you will never recover from that pain. Not saying that you will never be capable of doing so, just think about your future with Hyoudou and ask him for another child. If he gives you one, maybe you could learn how to be better with this one?" Togata said, as Izumi nodded her head. 

It was late at night when Izumi went into her room to head to sleep, when her bedroom door opened up and revealed Issei standing there. "Ise?" Izumi asked, as the young man moved closer to her. "Hey, how's it been since I was gone?" Issei asked, as he laid next to her. Izumi snuggled up to his body as she felt his inner heat consume her cold feeling. "It's been good, and I think I have convinced Ochako to confess to you. It's been getting annoying how she hasn't revealed her feelings towards you, so I gave her an incentive to do so." Izumi said smugly. "Well I can't wait to see what she's got! If she can impress me in the room, then I will allow her!" Issei said, as he gained a perverted expression. "Hey... Issei." Izumi said, as she looked downward towards her stomach. "What's up?" Issei asked, as he stared into her sad emerald eyes. "D-Do you think we could try for another... hatchling?" Izumi asked, as she looked back into his own warm amber eyes. "Hm, well so long as someone similar to Rias doesn't try and kill them... I don't see why not." Issei said, smiling at Izumi. "T-Thank you! I haven't thought about it for a full month since we came back! But ever since the nightmares have been happening every night, I just want to have another hatchling!" Izumi said, pulling Issei in for a deep kiss. "Just not tonight alright? I have been working hard with the detective about my world for days, and I just wish to have a good nights' rest." Issei said, as Izumi nodded her head. "Let's do it after we have a date this weekend." Izumi said, as he nodded his head in assurance. They fell asleep together unaware of the fact that Ochako had overheard their conversation that evening. "I will make sure that Izumi's child won't be killed again!" Ochako mumbled to herself with determination.

A/N Sorry for not having the chapter be longer based on training to become the next Big Three, I wanted this chapter to be a calm before the storm kind of thing. Naming it Training to become the Next Big Three, was just me informing you that there will be people next to Izumi as the next Big Three in the School of UA. Next Chapter! Final Exams!

Thank you for all the love and support for this fanfic! And as Always... BROFIS!

1633 Words!

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