Side Story! I-Island Trip!

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A/N Hello everyone! I am here to tell you that this chapter that I named I-Island was meant to be a side story. This will still be a part of the overall story, but in terms of events it will be about 3 months before the battle of Jakku, instead of early on in the story of MHA. Issei will be present as he will essentially be on a date with Izumi and Ochako, Izumi had at this point gotten the girl to accept a date from Issei. It will end with the random woman arriving at the battlefield and moving to Issei before the next chapter will continue on with the original events.

Izumi and Issei was walking towards the plane that would be taking them towards the place of their choosing for their date with Ochako. The girl had been pensive about how she would be bringing the other girl who was more of a cinnamon roll of the class into the idea of joining her in Issei's harem. But now that Ochako had accepted the idea of coming to I-Island with the two lovebirds the duo was literally antsy in terms of making the date as perfect for the skittish girl as possible. They were waiting on Ochako to arrive in the plane and were placing their gear inside of the plane when the said girl made it into the plane itself. Looking at the girl they noticed how she looked really adorable in her frilly pink dress as Issei was reminded of a certain blonde devil girl back from his world. "That dress reminds me of Ravel-chan. I wonder how she is doing?" Issei mumbled softly. Izumi smiled at him as she rubbed his back as they sat in their seats after helping Ochako set her stuff in the plane securely. With that they took off towards the island in the sky in order to make sure that they could meet up with All Might and one of his friends. Izumi was supposed to go deal with that whilst Issei and Ochako went out on that date that they really needed to do. It was a few hours for the flight to arrive to the Island in the sky, but Izumi decided to inform her mentor that she was on her way there and would arrive in a couple of hours. Receiving a notification from the man stating that he will wait for her at the airport, she placed her phone away as she nuzzled into Ochako's shoulder to sleep.


3 hours later the trio's plane had arrived on I-Island as they got their things and headed towards the airport. Once arriving in the airport area, Izumi noticed All Might standing all by his lonesome with a young woman with blonde hair. "That's me guys, meet you all later at the apartment!" Izumi said running towards the Hero and his niece. Ochako watched as Izumi left her and Issei as the young man brought her to their apartment on the island until they had to return to UA again. They went out to explore the island as they had their nice little date with one another and had actually met some friends from the school there as well. 

With Izumi, she and All Might had met the Heroes best friend's daughter who Izumi found out was quirkless like her before she gained All Might's quirk. Because of this, they became extremely close friends because of this information. She and the Hero himself were walking through a door only to see that the man's niece had ran into the room to get her father. Izumi had exchanged numbers with the girl as she learned the young woman's name was Melissa Shield. And was disappointed to hear that the woman would only enter a relationship with a woman and not enter a harem like she was in. Shame. But other than that, the young woman had vowed to make her some gear for her quirk as well as Draconic abilities so that she doesn't have to get new gear every other day. It was here that she met the man behind the young woman and met the man who became All Might's first unofficial sidekick. "David! It's been so long!" All Might said, happily pulling the shorter man into a hug. "It's been too long Toshi, who is this little one? Is she your daughter?" David asked curiously. "N-Nope, I am just his... successor." Izumi said, as he stared at her in shock. "You gave it to her?" He asked, the Hero. "Yes David, she showed me her exemplary will as well as heart to become the new Symbol of Peace. With her in charge of the next Generation of Heroes and Heroines... I feel like my legacy of being the Symbol of Peace will fade into obscurity." The Hero said, looking at the sun setting in the distance. David stared at the Hero in awe before shaking his head and moving to make a call a bit of a ways away from the group. After yelling at the phone for a few minutes, he hung up and called security to be on high alert when it reaches the next day's events. Moving back to see confused faces looking at him, he told them about the plan he was making in order to make sure that Toshi could remain as the Symbol of Peace for just a bit longer. As Melissa was deeply betrayed by her father's actions, she could also see why he was doing it. All Might had been making few and far fewer appearances around the entirety of Japan and wouldn't be capable of being a Hero for much longer. More so now since Izumi held his quirk within her body. "Miss Midoriya, you can have my word that my family will always support you and any successor you gain in the future." David said, as Izumi smiled at him. "Don't worry about me David. I'm going to be the last successor to the quirk anyway." Izumi said, causing everyone barring All Might to stare at her. "What do you mean?" David asked, as Izumi explained the problem with the quirk, and it's uses. "So that means that you will be the last wielder of the quirk. That means it is all that much more necessary to make sure you survive the battle against All for One." David said, as Melissa nodded her head.

Whilst Izumi was telling the Shields about the problems with her quirk, Issei and Ochako were having a blast as they were at the Hero Run of the island. Both were using their powers in order to get a better score than the others within the arena as they were laughing all the way. It was here that they forgot who them as Issei was around pulled Ochako close to him as he placed his face in her hair. "I will never get over the smell you have Ochako. It's really good, what kind of shampoo do you use?" He asked, as the girl blushed from their contact. "I-I only use Coconut oil as well as regular shampoo." She said, blushing a little as Issei had pecked her on the cheek. Bakugo saw this as he got furious and moved closer to the young man as he threatened him. "What did I tell you, you bastard! Why are you trying to have an affair with another woman!" Bakugo growled. "You know, I am building a harem for myself. She is the leading person after all. Not to mention she was the one who told me to go after Ochako myself. So I don't see the problem in getting more than one partner." Issei said, flippantly. Bakugo looked away from the boy as he walked away with a scowl on his face, he wanted to see if there was anything he could do to make sure that the boy could be left behind by Izumi. Issei and Ochako then moved over to the restaurant nearby in order to get a bite to eat after letting lose some energy they had stored from the flight over to the island. They were sitting at the table when Izumi had arrived with a new person as they sat down next to one another. "Hey Izumi, who is the beautiful lady?" He asked, as he tried to put his best moves on the woman. "Don't try your moves on me dude, I am a lesbian." Melissa said, as she giggled at his exasperated face. "Me and Mel were talking about what kind of gear she could make for me. Since no matter what Mei could try and make, they would be broken within the first and second uses." Izumi explained as Melissa became intrigued on whoever this Mei girl was. "Who is this Mei?" She asked, as Izumi talked to her. "Mei is a young girl in the first years of our school. She made my Hero costume upgrades as I was in my earlier months of the first year as she made my gauntlets as well as other things before I disappeared and fell into Issei's world." Izumi explained as Melissa was beginning to like this woman more. "Anything else I should be worried about?" Melissa asked, giggling. "Mei likes to refer to her creations as babies, other than that, she can make any item that comes to her mind and either make it blow up or work. It's usually a 50/50 chance of either happening." Ochako said, giggling. They received their food and drinks from one of their classmates before heading towards the apartment in order to get some shut eye since the ball is the next night. But they really wanted to get some rest since they had been moving about, and with Melissa bidding them farewell the trio had fallen asleep next to one another with Ochako in the middle. 

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did, I won't be showing what happens at the ball yet but just know that I will show the rest of the I-Island arc soon. I will be getting back to the original part of the story in the next chapter. The goal of the story now is to get close to about 3000 reads. If you reach that goal, I will update the next chapter as soon as possible. Next Chapter! Return of a Harem Member! Return of Normality!

1754 Words!

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