Izumi vs. Herself!?

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A/N Think that Bakugo on the left is what Izumi looks like as a much older and wiser fighter, and the Izuku on the right is her counterpart from her old world that the Khaos Brigade uses to try and take her out before she could become a problem in the future. It will be a test to see if Izumi is strong enough to defeat herself when Issei is out fighting Tiamat and needs to make sure that her baby is safe from any and all harm, leaving it with Tannin.

As Issei was dealing with an angry Dragon who wanted him dead, we find Izumi still in the process of laying her egg as Tannin was slowly making his way to their home. Izumi had just finished laying her egg as it was sitting snugly inside the nest, she had made for it. It wasn't until a few hours later that Tannin had arrived asking if she was alright as well as open to polyamory since Tiamat had stated that she'd rather have Issei give her children since Ddraig was too much of a pussy to do so himself. She nodded her head and told him to let Issei know that if he gets another woman pregnant, other than Hikage and Tiamat they will have to talk to her. After that loose end dealt with, she felt another presence near her home as she walked outside of the house in order to see what was happening. What she didn't expect to see was that there was an old Devil standing in front of her home as he looked at her intently. "I never met a Dragon such as yourself. Pray tell, you aren't from this realm... aren't you?" The silver haired old codger asked. "No, I am from an alternate timeline version of Japan. I have no idea how I got here, but I am doing my best to stay alive as well as find a peaceful life here." Izumi said, staring at the old man with trepidation. "Don't worry about little old me, I just wanted to test your powers out. I never get the chance to see a New Dragon appear out of nowhere and have powers just like that." The man said, using some magic in order to attack Izumi. Just as she was about to swipe the attack away, she noticed that her home was right behind herself and as she ran back inside, she grabbed her egg and threw it towards Tannin's last known location. She made sure that her magic was used to make it sturdy enough that should it hit the ground it would not crack and kill her child inside. Once that was done, everything went dark as the whole area surrounding herself had become a dark sphere of never-ending darkness voids.


Waking up in the void she had managed to sense her area within the Underworld, and she was utterly surprised that she was still inside the Dragon's Territory. But then she sensed a power closing in on her location as Danger Sense activated and she dodged the attack. As she turned around to see who attacked her, she was shocked that it was her younger self from her own world as it was surprisingly male. He had multiple looks on his face as he stared at her with a look of fear as well as determination. "Who are you? My name is Izumi Midoriya, and I am a Dragon of Peace." Izumi said, introducing herself as her male counterpart stared at her a daze in his eyes. "My name is Izuku Midoriya, and my power is One for All. I have only mastered what little of the power that I could, and it wasn't enough to save everyone from Shigaraki." The Izuku said, as he looked sad. "What happened in your world?" Izumi asked, concerned for her alternate Reality self. "He killed everyone in the USJ, and I was the only one left alive to tell the tale. I don't know how I am continuing like this, I never wanted to be a Hero until I watched everyone die." The Izuku counterpart said, as he started to cry. "Why are you here then?" Izumi asked. "I just want it to end! I don't want to live anymore! My mother was killed, All Might was killed, Aizawa-sensei was killed, Ka-Kacchan was killed in front of me! I don't want to live anymore! I don't know how I got here, but please make me see my friends again!" Izuku screamed as he flew at her using a mixture of Float and Base One for All. Izumi let out her Draconic wings as she flew towards him as well pulling out a fist in order to punch the other in the face. "Detroooooiiit!" Izuku started, as Izumi roared at him. "Supernova Strike!" "SMAAAAAASH!" They both screamed as their punches hit the other creating shockwaves all around the darkness surrounding them. As they were pushed back from one another, they launched at each other once again as they created more and more shockwaves and Izumi started to land more and more punches on the younger boy. He was wearing a dark green jumpsuit that had been clearly worn down as his eyes were now duller than anything that she could remember herself suffer from. His moves were also choreographed very predictably as he moved to punch her when she felt herself get punched in the gut as she noticed something completely off about this version of herself. He increased his speed to match hers incredibly fast without muttering anything, so being cautious she watched as she saw his legs brighten up as he gained more electricity in order to attack her. As soon as he was in front of her, she smiled sadly as she placed her hand in front of his face as it went from complete calm to pure unbridled fear as a blast was sent in his face knocking him back a few hundred meters. Launching at each other once again they were like shooting stars in the sky from the speed they were going at since every time they clashed an explosion of force would be seen in the sky of the void. Izumi could tell that this version of herself had learned how to use the power of One for All faster in his world since he had no one in order to train him how to use it better. So she decided to show him some tricks in order to make sure that he learned more about his quirk. She made certain maneuvers that caught him off guard as he watched her move in action faster than he could predict and he saw her land behind himself thanks to Danger Sense. As he slowly turned his head, he was met with a kick to the stomach as he coughed out blood as he moved back as his eyes bugged out. He wasn't going to like what he was feeling when he got back to his world, and he didn't know that when he dies here, he will be dead in his own world. Fighting between the duo lasted for hours as they were shown to be breathing heavily since they knew each other's fighting styles through and through, although Izumi's fighting style was more refined than that of Izuku's but they were heavily breathing. This was the best fight they both had, too bad it was a fight to the death and Izuku was watching as Izumi apologized for not going full strength. As he watched her begin to glow, he got himself into a sloppy fighting stance forgetting his exhaustion. He watched Izumi go from being barely shorter than him to being taller and thinner than Ryukyu when she was in her Draconic form. But there were some key differences in this Draconic form, as Izumi's form was similar to Shenron from Dragonball Z in this world and forgetting completely about this battle, Izuku had gotten out his notebook as he was about to ask about her power before he was killed instantly barely registering the Danger that was happening. 

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