Author Note!

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Alright everyone! I have been in the process of making a new story and updating its 6 chapters onto Wattpad and it has been a small story as of yet. I am wanting to make the cannon events be somewhat changed a little bit since Izuku is quirkless. He doesn't allow anyone to get close to him except during the times he is in class and doing an exercise that forced him to team up with a classmate within his class. This story has been really fun to make, and I will be making more chapters for it in order to make you all happy that there are more for it, so without further ado... I will be making chapters for Izuku's Supernatural Problems today and will be posted at 2 p.m. my time. This author note for this story will be updated immediately so that you will know when the timeframes for these chapters being made. This stories next chapter will be made tomorrow before noon as it will be in the process of being made and will come out at around either 1 or 2 in the afternoon my time (Pacific Standard Time). This is one of the stories that I had been wishing to make with Izuku as a female character that got a lot of reads for a long time. So I am here telling you all thanks for getting this story as many reads as well as votes as it did. The next chapter as said, will be tomorrow at noon to 2 in the afternoon Pacific Standard Time, and the next story that will be done is Dragonball DXD as it will be continued so that the story can be completed within a few more chapters. I don't have much story arcs for it, as I will be focusing more on my other stories that need to get to the point of being completed. Izuku's Supernatural Problems is my longest running story to date as of 40 minutes from now, so I hope that you all enjoy the chapter as it is relatively small but the next one will be longer so that you all can enjoy it. This stories next chapter will have a more Izuku and Issei centric arc as they fight Bakugo in order to get him to lay off of Izuku since she loves Issei and not Bakugo anymore. Ochako will be Izumi's best friend based on the story, so I hope that you all don't try to ship her with Ochako here. As much as I am a fan of some Yuri action, I would rather stay on the lines of malexfemale characters for my stories. But at some point, in the future... I may make a fanfiction where some main characters are gay so for all you Katsudeku shippers, please do not ask me to make a story based on that because even if he apologized to Izuku in the main anime/manga.... I would still not forgive him for everything he had done to me if I was Izuku. Being told to kill myself because of the fact that I didn't have a quirk is kind of really fucked up in my own opinion, but in order to make that kind of ship in a story to happen I would need to overhaul Katsuki's behavior to just be light teasing of Izuku being incapable of defending himself and teaching him how to in their moments of privacy in order to keep him caught up with him in terms of combat. Also, if I were to make a fanfiction about a canonical Izuku being either bisexual or gay, he would most likely go for either Todoroki or for surprisingly in my own opinion of Kirishima. The manly boy could just increase Izuku's self-worth just by telling him about how manly he is for still being around in the world as well as handling Katsuki back when he was a bully. Anyway that is all I can tell you all today, and my hands are getting tired of typing up words now, so have a great day and see you all tomorrow!

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