I-Island Trip! Battle for I-Island!

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A/N Hello everyone and thank you all for the 3100+ reads on this story! I am thankful for all the attention this story has garnered as well as the fact that you all are completely happy with what I have been doing in terms of the story as well as the characters within it! Please send feedback for when I do something wrong or if you want to add another arc into the story!

Waking up the next morning, Izumi and Issei found Ochako sleeping soundly in between them both as they smiled at her. Giving her a kiss on the forehead they got up from the bed as they both took a shower with one another as they cleaned themselves up from the earlier day. Today there was going to be a party where All Might was going to be celebrated for being the Number 1 Hero of the world for his 49th consecutive year. So they had to find some exclusive clothes that they could wear and not look like they were poor compared to the other scientists as well as rich people who came to the island or lived there. Izumi changed into her crop top as well as shorts as she moved out of the apartment they were inside of as she moved towards the outside portion of I-Island. Making her way to the outer layer of the island near the beach she started some stretches as she warmed up her body in order to go on a run. It was early in the morning since she had been wanting to get some light training in before the rest of the day was done. As she began to run around the island, she never noticed how some of the scientists were watching as she ran around the place looking as if she was meat. Within a few minutes of running around the island she found someone else running around the island and as she got closer to the person, she found out that it was Melissa. "Hey Melissa!" Izumi called out as the girl looked behind her to find Izumi in a crop top. "Um Izumi, you are aware of the laws here about clothing, right?" Melissa asked, concerned as Izumi looked at her confused. "What are you talking about? Is wearing a crop top to go out on a run that bad?" Izumi asked, as Melissa stared at her with a deadpanned stare. "You are essentially telling all the men here that you are available to be fucked three ways till Sunday." Melissa said, as she shook her head in a slight fondness. "The people here should already know that I'm taken, I have been hanging out with Issei and holding his arm for a majority of the time I have been here." Izumi said, as Melissa thought about it. "I guess you're right. Well let's finish our run and then get a dress for the ball later tonight." Melissa said, as Izumi nodded as they continued their morning run. 


After taking a second shower in order to get all the stench from her body as well as sweat, Izumi had left the apartment with Ochako as they went to get some dresses for themselves. "So where is the other girls?" Ochako asked, as Izumi looked at her. "The other girls are training themselves in the Hero Arena. I haven't seen them all day, but we need to get a dress for the ball today Ochako-chan." Izumi said, and that was when another girl showed up. "Hey Ochako-chan." A blunt feminine voice called out. Looking over they found it was Tsuyu as she jogged over to the girls as they were walking and as soon as she caught up with them, she started to walk at their pace. "It's been a while hasn't it Tsu?" Izumi asked as the frog girl nodded. "It's been a long while since you talked to both me and Ochako at the same time, Ribbit." The girl said, croaking happily. Izumi petted the girls head as she smiled at her, and as they continued walking around the place, they found the store where they were going to get their clothes for the ball that evening. "Alright, find colors that match you alright?" Ochako asked, as both girls with her plus Melissa who walked up to them without them knowing nodded. Izumi walked around the establishment as she looked over the dresses as she tried to find out which one looked best on her. She eventually found the one, it was white with a flower pattern over her lower stomach area as well as really accentuated her eyes as it had a red trim. It really brought out the colors of her hair and eyes as well as showed off her slim as well as curvy body. After nodding to herself in happiness she walked over to the man at the register as she bought the dress with her money. She sat outside the building as she waited for the other girls when she saw movement coming in her direction and looking up, she saw her mentor smiling down at her. "Young Midoriya! It's been some time since I came to check up on you! How have you been?" All Might asked, as he smiled down at her and sat down. "It's been going fine, me and the girls that we could bring with us had bought some dresses in order to wear them at the gala." Izumi said, as the man nodded. "I will be in costume, so I won't be capable of talking to you during the Gala. I can only hope that the Gala doesn't last as long as it normally does." All Might said, sighing. Nodding her head, she looked out at the view of the ocean down below the island in the sky as she smiled at the view. "I can't believe that I've been on this island for two whole days now. I've accomplished every single dream that I've ever had growing up." Izumi said, with a goofy smile on her face. "You haven't become a Hero yet Midoriya-Shonen." All Might said, chuckling. "Don't say that! I was trying to have a heartfelt moment! Now you ruined it." Izumi laughed before pouting. "I apologize for ruining the moment, just wanted to see you smile a bit more." The man said, before laughing loudly. "All Might... I just wanted to let you know... that I view you as more than a mentor." Izumi said, as she looked at the still rising sun. "What do you mean by that?" All Might asked curiously. "Ever since the day you saved me from the Slime Villain Incident, then trained me with One for All, and then finally training me harder than ever before I got sucked into another world... I always viewed you as the father I never had." Izumi said, as she looked at the Hero with small tears brimming at the edges of her eyes. All Might then reached over and pulled the girl into a side hug as the two looked over the horizon as they waited for the day to come to a near end for the Gala to begin.

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