Himiko Toga vs. Asmodeus!

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A/N This chapter will be centered around Himiko Toga as she traverses the entire Underworld in search of her allies within the League of Villains. She had been stuck inside the High School DxD universe for a few months now and time has passed enough for her to not trust anyone inside this place. She also found out that her friends from the League of Villains hadn't been transported here as well. So she finds out that she is on her own within the realm she is inside of, so she fights in order to keep her neutral standing amongst those within the universe she now finds herself in.

Toga was seen walking amongst the cities of the Underworld, she had been searching for her allies for a long while since coming here. She did really like the blood red skies as well as the purple sun though, it really meshed with her love of blood. She was searching for her next victim of collecting blood, and she had been able to use the form of some others that she took the blood from in order to fool some of their allies in order to kill them as well as go after some of the people from their own homes. She was all alone on the streets as she came across a man with black hair that cascaded down his lower back as he stared at her with a leer of anger. He had blackish gray eyes that looked at her like she was a mere ant compared to him, and as he walked closer to her, he decided to be a complete pervert and groped her ass as he stared at her eyes. "Nice to see a human within the realm of Devils. What brings you down here little girl?" He asked, leering at her body. "My name is Himiko Toga. And I would appreciate it if you would stop groping my chest." Himiko said, stabbing the devil in his gut. "GAH!" Creuserary called out angrily as he moved away from Himiko. He flew into the sky as he charged some blasts in Himiko's direction when he noticed that her presence in the area was gone. "What the?! Where did she go!?" He called out angrily. Looking in all directions he searched for the energy that all humans possess as she slowly closed in from behind him. Pulling out a knife from her back pocket, she was literally behind the devil as she placed the knife on his neck causing the man to still in her arms. "W-What the!? H-How did you get behind me!" Creuserary called out, stunned. "I am Himiko Toga, a vampire from another world. I don't know what this world is called, but I will let you know something... the power I possess isn't that of a supernatural power possessed in this world." She said, whispering it into the man's ear. Getting more and more angry, he lets out his power as she is sent flying with a "WEEEE!" As she lands on the ground looking towards her opponent. "I WILL NOT BE HUMILIATED BY A HUMAN PIECE OF TRASH!" He called out charging his blasts in her direction. If he could see her then her erasure of her presence wouldn't be able to work, and as soon as he felt her presence disappear, he fired his blast at her. There was an explosion on the ground alerting all those within his area that there was a fight happening near the Familiar Forest. Himiko hid behind a tree as she thought about how to fight this kind of opponent, he was a leering bastard, but at the same time... he looked like he could use some blood on him to make him more beautiful and cuter. So pulling out a knife she had stolen from one of the weird Angels that attacked her with it a few weeks ago and looked at its silver design. It was a long blade that was silver in color and ended with a point at the end, there was a singular part that was circular and that was just above the handle. Looking closely,Gonna she noticed the magic sigil on it that closely resembled the bible from her world, and she smirked to herself as soon as she saw it. 'If he is a devil, then I wonder what would happen if he was stabbed multiple times with a blade like this?' Himiko thought to herself as she moved around the forest in order to catch her new prey off guard.


Gunna call Creuserary, Asmodeus now since I can't continue writing that name anymore.

Asmodeus was floating in the sky as he watched all around him to make sure that his little attacker wasn't going to come out and catch him off guard again. Fool me once, that is just a coincidence, fool me twice, then that means I am getting weaker. That was what he was thinking at the moment as he focused on his task of finding Himiko, she could be anywhere within this forest, and he wouldn't lose her in here. It had been a few weeks since the death of Leviathan, and she was his wife. He couldn't live without having a personal cum bucket, and if this girl could satisfy him then he could make her into his own. Maybe even impregnate her as well, that would be a good time. He would cherish her screams of agony as well as pleas for help when it would appear that nobody would come for her. Ah he could hear it now, although there was a weird screaming coming from below him, and he should probably check on that. Landing on the ground where the screaming came from, he looked around his area and searched for the power she had. Weak as it may be, she had managed to land hits not many Devils and Satan Class beings could be capable of. He walked through the forest as he kept an eye on his peripherals, just to be sure that Himiko couldn't come at him from a blind spot. It was quiet... too quiet. But just as he noticed an ominous presence near him it was already too late, as his left hip was stabbed by a blaze that burned him from the inside out. "GRRAAAAAAAAAARRRHG!" Asmodeus screamed in pain as he grabbed his hip making sure to heal it as much as possible. Looking behind himself he found Toga standing there with a smile on her face, but it was just so wrong. She had a crazed smile on her face as her hands were bloody, with his blood. She stared at him with blush marks on her face as she licked his blood, don't get him wrong he loves kinky women, but this is too much! "W-What are you doing!? Why are you drinking my blood!?" Asmodeus said, looking at Himiko. She looked at him with a smile... that dastardly smile that placed a small bit of fear into him as slowly... she transformed into him. "Hehe...ahahahahahahaha!" Toga laughed to her hearts content. "You think that amount of power could kill me!?" She laughed even harder, as Asmodeus charged a new blast of energy at her. But with all the burning happening in his body, he couldn't charge it any further and blasted the double of himself. "I can't believe that I thought that you'd be cuter with more blood on you. I would rather Deku-kun be all bloody than you." Toga said, as she moved faster than Asmodeus could see. Landing behind him she stood as tall as him as she spoke to him without looking behind herself to see his reaction. "You know, this power is too little against that crimson haired Devil King. If you attacked him with this kind of pitiful power, he would annihilate you without a second thought. I can't believe that I was even able to see him and that he could sense me when I found him." Himiko said, as she became heart eyed as she spoke about the Crimson Satan. "What are you talking about!? Are... Are you talking about Sirzechs Lucifer!?" Asmodeus called out, fearfully. "Huh? Yes, I am. Do you know how he gets his hair to look like blood exactly!?" Himiko asked, curiously. She was now in Asmodeus' face as he was now blushing up a storm at how close she was to him, and he looked into her face and smirked. "I don't know how he gets his hair to look like blood, but I do know that it is a family trait. The Gremory Clan has blood red hair, and they pass it on to their children because of their overwhelming power over destruction." Asmodeus said, as he gave Himiko some knowledge on the Gremory Family. "Who do you think could I get the blood from!?" Himiko asked, staring into his eyes, still holding the knife behind her back. "Check Kuoh Town, there should be a Devil Presence there. She was last seen in that town before coming back down into the Underworld due to some problems on the surface." Asmodeus said, before he felt something stab into his chest as he coughed up blood. Looking down he found the silver blade that was used to stab into his hip now embedded into his chest. Looking at the girl in front of him, he placed his hand over her chest and blasted her with all the remaining power he held within his body. As soon as the blast came out of Himiko's chest and out of her upper back no hole in sight, Asmodeus had fell onto the ground behind her as his body convulsed as he slowly turned to ashes. Himiko looked at the ashes of the man behind her, and she only thought of only one thing. 'I couldn't have killed him that easily with this blade, could I?' 

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it as it was Himiko centered as it featured what she was doing as of the last chapter of the story! Please give this story a read as well as inform me when you want to have more about Himiko in the comments down below. Next Chapter! Izumi and Ochako have a talk.

See you all next time! BROFIST!

1730 Words!

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