Not being Enough

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A/N For the image above, just imagine him being a girl for the image to work. Now for all of you guys, I thank you all to the bottom of my heart for getting this story well over a quarter thousand reads! I have been wishing for a story like this one where the main character is female, and she has been getting a lot of love! Izumi is one of the characters in stories that I don't see a lot of considering the fact that said stories don't last long and only have about close to an hour to read. I am happy to tell you all thank you for all your comments as well as love for this story it really means a lot. This chapter will be small, but I will leave a little fun for you all to see. Let's begin!

Izumi and Issei was walking through the Town of Kuoh, she had a lot on her mind as she constantly glanced over at Issei during their walk. Issei noticed her glances as well, and he didn't know what was going on with her. "Izumi, is there something wrong?" Issei asked, as he stared into her emerald eyes. "N-Not really, just feeling a little self-conscious." Izumi said mumbling the last part. "What do you have to be self-conscious about? I have never seen you act like this." Issei asked, worriedly. "It's just that... why did you come after me? I'm not all that good looking. I have smaller boobs than most of the girls at school, I am shorter than most girls of our school as well, not only that but our enemies that we fought yesterday had bigger boobs than me." Izumi said, as Issei watched as tears came trickling down her face. It was really hard for him to see her like this, the last time she was like this was when she found out that Eri had been here for years, and Izumi didn't arrive until later on last year. To make matters worse for her, she felt self-conscious about how her body looked compared to most women around Issei as he fought them as well as interacted with them as well. So her feeling a little jealous about how other's body's look was something to prepare for, but he couldn't imagine that she could be so self-depreciative about herself. "Who put it into your mind that your not as good looking as everyone else?" Issei asked, no demanded. "K-Kacchan. He was my crush from the world I came from. He was the pinnacle of victory as well as never giving up, and he was my hero there." Izumi said, as both she and Issei found a bench to sit on. "When did he tell you that your not worth looking at?" Issei asked, angrily. "Ever since I was 11 years old when my body started to develop. I was thinking that I looked good at that point in time, when he came up to me and told me that I was one of the ugliest girls in our school there." Izumi said. As Issei was about to give her his answer for what she looks like, she just continued. "He told me that every day, not only that, but he beat me up, destroyed my notebooks, told me to kill myself. He even tried to..." Izumi said, stopping as she didn't wish to relive that horrible day. As soon as she stopped talking at the last part, Issei was livid that such a person could live and become a Hero in her world. "How did he even get into Yuuei Academy?" Issei asked. "The entrance exams are tailored to those who have flashy and destructive quirks." Izumi said.  "So the teachers and principal of the school there only cared about flashy quirks?" Issei asked, looking at her. "Not exactly, but the principal was more inclined to be interested in those whose quirks wasn't meant for battle but meant for strategy instead. The ones who were more interested in flashy quirks was the school board, they only care for flashy and powerful quirks, that is what society in my world had come to. But I didn't get the worst of it until the Dorms came up after Kacchan was kidnapped by the Villain group The League of Villains. They wanted him to become a villain with them, he acted like a villain all the time in school, so they thought that it would be easy to turn him during that time." Izumi said, as Issei asked one more question. "I'm guessing that his love of Heroes was keeping him from turning?" Issei asked. "Yeah, he told them to... and I quote... "Fuck off and die. I don't need you villains to become Number 1 Hero in Japan." and then he ran off after exploding the area around him where I came out with Kirishima and Shoto, just in order to save him." Izumi said, looking at Issei. "Well you don't have to worry about being ugly here. I will be ugly with you if your thinking that way. I care about you more than you think, did Kacchan ever tell you he loved you?" Issei asked, as Izumi shook her head no. "Did he ever tell you how good of a job you did in controlling your quirk?" Issei asked once more. Another shake of her head no, and he was starting to get a picture of who the boy was, and he couldn't wait for the moment that he saw the fucker since the first thing he'd do would be to punch the young man in the face. "Izumi, no matter what you might think about yourself and your body... I personally think that your one of the most beautiful women on the Earth, and anyone who simply told you that you weren't was a god damn liar. Your personality might get a little too much when it comes to analyzing your opponents with your muttering, but it is because of that muttering that you are endearing. I personally believe that the muttering of yours is adorable and that you should do it more often. But I fell in love with you because of the fact that you are the one person who ever liked me back, and not only that, but you can handle my perverted antics better than anyone else! You even managed to tame me! The sin of lust compared to demons!" Issei said, laughing. "I-It wasn't that hard." Izumi mumbled, as she looked away. "Don't worry about the little things, you will just get hurt doing that. I worry about your mentality mainly because of the fact that... your mind while being heavily guarded... is one of the easiest things to break because of your past. Being bullied is not okay, and being beaten until near death isn't fine either. The way you were treated was not okay by every one of your peers as well as teachers of each school you went to before entering a Hero School. And I hope that you continue being the cute, adorable muttering young lady that I fell in love with from the moment you dropped out of the sky from Chicken Little." Issei said, causing Izumi to laugh out loud at the reference. "Sh-Should we head back home?" Izumi asked, as Issei nodded his head as he held her hand in his as they left the park. As they were about to enter Issei's home, they heard footsteps coming up behind them as when they turned around, they found a green haired woman with light blue eyes standing right behind them both with very large breasts taking heavy breaths. "Finally.... I have... found you. Oh fuck..." The girl said, breathing heavily. Issei and Izumi had looked at one another before looking back at the girl in confusion. "U-Um, who are you miss?" Issei asked, as the girl ran over to Issei and hugged him close to her chest and placed his face inside her cleavage. "I'm Hikage Astaroth, I can't believe that you forgot about me Ise-chan! I can't believe that you got a different girlfriend when you told me when we were younger that you would marry me!" The woman called out, still hugging Issei. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH!?!?!?!?!" Izumi and Issei called out confused.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I know that it was small compared to my last chapter, dreadfully short compared to it. But this is just to get Issei to talk to Izumi about her mental issues about her previous life and her self-consciousness about her body. But at the end of it the fun part was Hikage Astaroth coming into play as she enters the fray as Issei's second Harem partner! Hikage will like Izumi a lot since she is a Dragon and will think highly of her as she finds Izumi to be easy to get along with as well as tease. Once she finds out about Izumi's self-consciousness about her body and that she wishes that she was sexier Hikage will increase Izumi's confidence in her body over the next few chapters, she will still be shy and timid like her counterpart who is male, because come one, even with confidence Izuku was still timid around women. Next Chapter! Hikage Astaroth enters the scene! New Harem Partner!

1564 words!

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