Supernatural Powers! Fighting Bakugo!

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A/N Hello everyone! I have returned to this story! I know that you have been waiting for this chapter for some time now, and now that I can make it, I will be updating a couple of other stories as well today. So you all will be getting a massive treat in story telling today. This will take place a few days after Issei and Izumi returned, and if you are wondering where Fem Diadora she is in this world as well, just hiding in plain sight in order to keep people away from her.

Bakugo stood in the middle of an arena as Issei stood across from the boy. Bakugo was very angry at the fact that this guy seems to think that he knows what the hell Izumi has been through in her entire life. But that doesn't matter, he will make the bitch look back at him like she used to, and he will eventually make sure that she can't ever leave his side. Just because he wasn't sexually attracted to her, he really liked her presence as he appreciated how she was on his side all the time, no matter the cause. For Issei, he has no reason to fight this guy. In this world he would essentially be called quirkless like Izumi was before gaining a quirk from her Hero Idol. He stood across from Bakugo as he kept an eye on his battle stance, the boy may be tough looking but in terms of fighting potential, that would have yet to be seen. He has fought people with flaming powers before (Riser) and he will not be against the idea of getting more experience in fighting them. So Bakugo waited as he sparked his quirk as his hands started to sparkle with small miniature explosions as the buzzer was heard, and both fighters were off. Katsuki launched a devastating right hook with an explosion at the ready when his hand hit hardcore metal. Using his explosion to increase the damage output he accidentally made a smokescreen blocking his view of his opponent. Using his other hand to blast the smoke away he found his opponent nowhere to be seen, looking around he tried to use his battle sense in order to find his opponent. Only to be kicked from behind and sent to the floor as Issei pressed his advantage of the element of surprise. Issei sent a left punch towards the downed Bakugo as the boy managed to turn around to find a metal clawed hand in a punching form heading for his face. Catching the blow with one hand he tried to blast Issei's face with an explosion to gain distance, but his wrist was in a grip that he couldn't pull from. He was pulled into a knee into his gut as he was tossed into the air as he was kicked in the upper torso sending him flying towards a building. Bouncing off of the wall like a bouncy ball, Bakugo used this bounce to boost himself towards his opponent. Changing trajectory at the last second to blast Issei's back he changed his tactics in order to blast Issei until he couldn't stand anymore. What he wasn't prepared for was a metal clawed hand fast approaching him from an angle he couldn't understand as his left leg was grabbed by the ankle. He was promptly slammed into the ground multiple times as he taunted the boy. "You really think that you could get away with bullying your oldest friend since childhood, huh? Well if you think that you can do the same to me and get away without a fight... then you will get at least half of my quirkless strength!" Issei taunted as he slammed the boy into the ground one more time before kicking him across the field.


Watching from afar, Izumi and Ochako were watching the fight with a shock and awed expression on their faces. Izumi was in awe of how Issei was able to battle Katsuki without seeming to be panting heavily, but she did notice that he was slowly getting angrier and angrier at Katsuki. Ochako was in shock at how one of their strongest classmates was being sent flying around the arena like a ragdoll, not their teacher, but a literal ragdoll. The other classmates of theirs were surprised by his strength as well, but it wasn't until Mina spoke up about something that Izumi started to growl. "You think he is single? I bet he is great in bed." *GRRRRRRRRRRR! * As everyone heard the growling in the room (Class 1-A and Aizawa & Nezu +All Might) they all looked towards Ochako and Izumi as they saw Izumi with a growling look on her face. "Hey, are you alright young Midoriya?" All Might asked, as he kneeled towards the young girl. Izumi stopped growling as she saw her mentor in front of her, she shook her head as the man held her close to himself as he calmed her down. That was until they heard an explosion of power as they heard Katsuki scream out his win against Issei.

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