Katsuki has Problems!

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A/N I hope you all can forgive me for this since I have been busy with moving shit around and making sure that everything is prepared for new shit to arrive within a week and placed inside the Storage Shed here. Everything around the place is taking my attention away from my stories that I want to add onto the forum, but don't worry I will soon not need worry about it in the future when everything is set up and prepared for the future! Let's begin!

Katsuki has been on Izumi's ass since the start of the second semester of school, and he hasn't left her alone since then. He was forced to take some remedial lessons in order to tone down his anger, and the culture festival was coming up soon. Izumi and Issei had been spending their time together at every point of the day, and Katsuki was getting jealous of how she wasn't looking at him in admiration anymore. She only stared at him in both fear as well as anger, but there was a new emotion there on her face whenever she stared at him... dissappointment. Katsuki had been talking to Kirishima about how he can tone down his anger issues and the boy had been telling him to talk to Hound Dog about it since he is a licensed therapist.  After talking to the Hero about his problems about Izumi and how she doesn't look at him in admiration anymore, the Hero told him to just let her go. If she doesn't wish to look at him like that anymore that is her decision, she doesn't need to be shackled by his presence anymore and if anything, it is making her progress as a person lose its weight. He knew that everything he did to her in the past was wrong, he knows it, and the teachers back in middle school hadn't done a thing about it until now. He was faced with so many challenges since coming here, and he can't help but feel like he was to blame for Izumi not wishing to be near him in the past. He had made fun of her for years, even talking shit about how her mother dying on her was to get away from her. He never felt prouder of the girl for sending him into the ground that day he said that more than ever before. He had been trying to drill it into her head that she needed to train her body more if she wished to become a hero, so he thought that beating her to high hell during her younger years would've helped her understand that. But all it took instead was her nearly getting killed by a villain as well as training with the Number 1 Hero All Might in order to get it through her thick skull that she needed to train her body as well as mind in order to become a hero. He could give three shits that she was quirkless, he knew that she had the drive to become a Hero, but if anything, he was trying to get her to enter fights with him in order to get her to give him a reaction. But after she moved away near the end of Middle School, he never got to apologize for his actions... now he was taking his frustrations out on her and her new boyfriend that he never met before. But he felt challenged by Issei's presence since the young man himself hadn't shown that he was particularly fond of him, but at the same time the boy felt like he was weak from his form and body type. Never had being punched in the face by Issei Hyoudou ever made him rethink his life choices before then. But now he was, he knew he had some kind of Superiority Complex since he took his anger out on others, but at the same time... he knew that he had an Inferiority Complex since he felt like Izumi was a threat to his ideal of being a Hero. She thought that being a hero was about saving people with a smile like All Might, whilst he was thinking that being a Hero was all about winning and making sure that you take out the villain before hostages are even thought of. It was a tough session with Hound Dog as he talked to the Hero about his complexes as well as his issues with Izumi's past with him. The Hero was clearly shocked when Katsuki had told the Hero about his choices in the past and told said Hero that he regretted them since he never got to say goodbye as well as apologize for his actions. He really can't now since his default emotion is anger first punch things now, before asking questions later. The Hero looked at him with a concerned expression before setting him up with some Anger Management classes in order to kite down some of his anger by splitting it up into exercises to let it out. They also found out that the Nitroglycerin also increases his hormones that increase his anger in his brain and was given some medication in order to decrease this number of hormones. They of course got it from Recovery Girl, but overall, everything was going as planned, until Izumi had entered the fray with a problem of her own. She had informed the school about the past of her time in Issei's world as well as the Izuku she had ran into who had One for All. How she was forced to kill the boy since he was too weak willed to allow the quirk to be passed onto a new user of the quirk. How she had essentially consumed him in order to gain his quirk and replace her own quirk that was lost during the transformation to becoming a full-blooded Dragon. She told them about her time in that world as well as how Himiko Toga hadn't been brought back here yet, and that she should be brought here soon. With her back in the fray, it will be chaos since she was completely unpredictable with her quirk as well as where she could be at. She was really close to Twice since the man was very much so like an older brother or father figure for her, and the man was lost in the Japanese islands. The rest of the League of Villains were lost in the country as they prepared to save their leader All for One form the clutches of the Heroes. But as of right now he was preparing his mind to be fixed as he was taking the Anger Management classes at the moment.


It has been five hours since he took the classes and he is tired as fuck, he had been listening to the teacher of the course until he passed out from boredom. It was working though, to at least decrease the amount of anger he held towards others as it was seen in classes. He was walking towards Heights Alliance when he was interrupted from his thought by Kirishima as the boy stood next to him. "How was your day, Bakubro?" The boy asked, as Katsuki leaned in to kiss him. They were together, fuck everything that the world said! If they think that he'd get with Deku, then they are plain outright wrong! That was disgusting, and they know it. "Anger Management has been working Kiri. I just hope that I get the help I need before I do something that I will extremely regret later on." Bakugo said as he walked into Heights Alliance. He saw Izumi and Issei sitting at the table and were about to leave when he spoke up. "Izumi." He said, as the girl stared at him with shock. "W-What is it... Katsuki?" Izumi asked, concerned. "About the past... I want to tell you that I'm sorry for what I said and did. It was wrong. And I know that, I just hope that you can punch me now so that you can get all your anger for me out of your system because after today... I want to restart our friendship from the beginning." Katsuki said, as he stared at her. "Why do you want me to punch you? I wouldn't do that in a million years based on our past. I forgive you, I just wanted for this to happen sooner, rather than later. But we can start over as friends and build up to pet names alright?" She asked, with a smile. "Sure thing nerd." Katsuki said, giving the girl a nuggie. "Well since your relationship is fixed, at least we don't have to worry about you wishing to fight me anymore! I can finally relax without being told to fight you anymore!" The boy cried out in happiness. "Well I could always go for a spar, but I believe that you want to be with Izumi more." Katsuki said, as he walked towards the elevator as the couple blushed. He escaped from the elevator as he looked to Kirishima as the boy looked at him with a knowing smile on his face. "See? Was that so hard to do?" The boy asked, chuckling as Katsuki swiped at the boy in anger. He really loved the boy, but he really needed to watch what he said around him. 

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it as it was a very short chapter for me. I know that you want more chapters for this story, but I need to split my time with working on the yard sale as well as adding new chapters for the story that I work on. So hopefully that will help you all like more of these stories so that I can get more reads. Next Chapter! Training to become the Big Three!

P.S. Sorry for the small chapter, I know that you all wished for a more lengthy chapter and I am just too tired to make this chapter more than 2000 words total. Please give me some time to make up for these missed days for more chapters by making three chapters today. Have a nice day/night/morning and see you all later!

1720 Words!

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