The Phoenix

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In order to rise from its own ashes, a phoenix must first burn. That's what Y/N reminded herself over and over again. It's just a stage of life, it'll get better and you'll always come back stronger. She scoffed, "Some phoenix." Aren't the birds supposed to be powerful, elegant, and brave? Then why was she running away? Out of fear?



Alina grunted when she tripped on a tree root and fell to her knee. "C'mon, darling, we have to keep going." Y/N helped her up with a quiet sigh and quickly checked behind them to make sure they weren't being followed. The sun summoner nodded and kept walking behind her mentor figure.

Alina was extremely grateful for the grisha who took her under her wing when she first arrived at the little palace. Teaching her the ways of grisha and helping her adjust any way she could. Saving her a seat at meals to spare her from the embarrassment of standing at the front, searching for a seat. Within the last few weeks, Y/N became like an older sister, even if there were only a few years of age gap between the two.

"We're almost at the docs, then we'll be out of here."

The moment Y/N realized what the Darkling had planned for Alina she was planning her own escape. She knew she needed to get the sun summoner out of the little palace as fast as possible in order to stop the nightmare-ish horrors that were in store for their country.

The rustling of leaves was heard behind the pair causing them to stop and turn around, arms raised in defense. "Mal." Alina's voice came out in breathless relief. She rushed forward and wrapped her arms around him at which Y/N turned around to give them their moment of reunion. After a few minutes and hushed whispers behind her, she cleared her throat "Okay, we really must get a move on now."


"So you want to go after the stag instead of running away?" Y/N had a smirk on her face as she watched Alina wring her hands. "Yes?" "It's either a solid yes or no, no maybe." The younger girl took in a breath, "Yes. I want to go after the stag." The y/e/c-eyed girl smiled proudly, "Perfect."

So the journey continues. Sunlight was spent hiking and the nights, huddled close to Alina to stay warm since fire was out of the option. Y/N could feel the need to use the power growing stronger and stronger, her hands got so warm she thought the fire might start on accident. She needed just to let out a single spark to dampen the burning temptation. While following the couple walking ahead she let a single flame lick through her fingers, swirling around her wrist before diving back into her palm. Her smile was so bright and soft as Alina looked over her shoulder to check that she was still there.

Using their power makes a grisha stronger, and not being able to use it properly had taken a toll on the older girl, making the younger slightly guilty. Y/N had no reason to stick with them, she could leave and go find her own way if she wanted to... So why has she stayed? Alina furrowed her eyebrows, mentally searching for a reason that her mentor would stay.

"We're almost there... It should be just around-" Mal cut himself off once the stag appeared. Y/N stared wide-eyed, "Oh... It's real." She moved closer to Alina and Mal, waiting for them to take their aim, but right before they could fire, she noticed black whisps of smoke curling through the snow. She quickly let a small flame flicker through her fingers as she felt his presence creeping up behind them. "Alina-"

Everything happened in a blur, the stag was brought to the floor, Alina threw up a sun shield around herself, the stag, and Mal. Y/N held her hands out in front of her her flames followed her arm movements like whips keeping the other grisha back. Black smoke circled her ankle keeping her firmly planted in her place, panic bubbled in her chest when she made eye contact with Ivan. Her eyes pleaded with him to which he only slightly shook his head. The last thing she saw was the Darkling standing over her with a look of pity before her eyes closed on their own accord and her heart slowed to the point of unconsciousness.


"Heartrenders..." Y/N grumbled as she was finally able to move and control her body. She had started to wake up a while ago, first her mind then her toes up to her fingers, the tingling sensation crawling its way up till she was able to move fully. Her vision cleared slowly, the sunlight streaming into the tent through the waving flaps of the entrance.

Rising to her feet, she made her way to the tent entrance after gulping down a glass of water. One guard stood in front of her making her sigh silently. With a flick of her fingers, a singular flame danced across the dirt floor to a pile of straw and some explosive crates. A high-pitched yelp left the guard's lips as he ran over desperately pulling the crates away from the growing fire. With a smug smile, Y/N slipped on a first army coat and stumbled a bit as she made her way to the crowds of people.

Alina Starkov came into sight as the inferni quickly mimicked everyone's hands over her own chest. The sandskiff. Y/N's eyes darted around as she thought of a way to get herself on that vessel.

"I still can't believe the age of this." Y/N's attention snapped to the voice belonging to a tall zeminni man. "There is no way they'll believe this." "Sure they will. Now keep quiet." A suli girl and kerch followed the taller of the trio closely. She watched as they slipped into line soundlessly, seemingly belonging to the crowd if only she hadn't overheard their conversation.

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