The Ice Court

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Y/N made a sound of disgust, her contempt for the Fjerdan clear, and the Zemeni man next to the inferni stopped fidgeting, his mouth falling slightly ajar. Kaz, however, didn't seem surprised. If anything, he looked pleased.

"I can give you something better," said Kaz.

Doubt and suspicion swam in Matthias' eyes. "There is nothing else I want."

"I can make you druskelle again."

"Are you a magician, then? A wej sprite who grants wishes? I'm superstitious, not stupid."

"You can be both, you know, but that's hardly the point." Kaz slipped a gloved hand into his dark coat. "Here," he said. And gave a piece of paper to the inferni. She brought the paper up to his face for him to read. The document was written in Kerch and Fjerdan. Matthias' eyes scanned over the paper that had statements of a release due in his favor. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What evidence?"

Kaz leaned back in his chair. "It seems Nina Zenik has recanted her statements. She will face charges of perjury."

"Perjury? How long will you serve for that, Zenik?"

"Two months," she said quietly.

"Two months?" Matthias laughed cruelly, his body twitching as if he'd been poisoned.

The others watched him with some concern.

"Just how crazy is he?" Jesper asked, fingers drumming on the pearl handles of his precious revolvers.

Y/N shrugged. "He's not what I'd call reliable, but he's all we've got apparently."

Once Matthias got over his laughing fit he cleared his throat. "She can't be trusted, you know," he said to Kaz. "Whatever secrets you hope to gain from Bo Yul-Bayur, she'll turn them over to Ravka."

Y/N clenched her fists, but before she could say anything Kaz jumped to the defense. "Let me worry about that, Helvar. You do your part, and the secrets of Yul-Bayur and jurda parem will be in the hands of the people best equipped to make sure they stay rumors."

Y/N eyed Kaz cautiously as she wondered who he planned on handing the drug and chemist over to. There are things that he has kept in the dark and she knew it would come to sneak up on them later if he didn't bring it to light.

After a bit more of going back and forth, Matthias finally agreed to Kaz's terms.

"We're going to untie you," said Kaz. "I hope prison hasn't robbed you of all your manners or good sense."

Matthias nodded and Y/N pulled out a knife to cut him free of the ropes that bound him. "I believe you know Nina," Kaz continued. "The lovely girl freeing you is Y/N L/N, our own personal Ravkan soldier and the best in the trade. Jesper Fahey is our sharpshooter, Zemeni-born but try not to hold it against him, and this is Wylan, the best demolitions expert in the Barrel."

A rag-tag group who had taken the world by storm while they helped save it from the darkest of shadows. Now challenged to take on the biggest heist of their lives. None of them entirely prepared for what came next but they all had their motives. Righteous and good-willed or greedy and selfish, they all had one goal and they hoped it'd be strong enough to hold them together.

"Besides, Wylan isn't just good with the flint and fuss. He's our insurance." Kaz spoke while avoiding eye contact with Y/N.

"Against what?" Nina asked.

"Meet Wylan Van Eck," said Kaz Brekker as the boy's cheeks flooded crimson. "Jan Van Eck's son and our guarantee on four million kruge."

Jesper stared at Wylan. "You're a Councilman's kid? I mean that explains everything... Why didn't you tell me?" His eyes had grown soft and filled with hurt.

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