Yellow Protocol

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"Thank the Saints, Djel, and your Aunt Eva," Jesper said gratefully and slid down the rope, followed by the others.

The roof of the embassy was curved, probably to keep the snow off, but it was a bit like walking on the humped back of an enormous whale. It was also decidedly more... porous than the prison roof. It was pocked with multiple points of entry—vents, chimneys, and small glass domes designed to let light in. Nina and Inej were tucked up against the base of the biggest dome, a filigree skylight from the dwindling rain, but should any of the guards on the ring wall turn their attention away from the approach road and onto the rooftops of the Court, the crew would be hidden from view.

Nina had Inej's feet in her lap.

"I can't get all the rubber off her heels," she said, as she saw them approaching.

"Help her," said Kaz.

"Right," Jesper said as he crawled over to get a better look at Inej's blistered feet. "Saints," he muttered.

Inej grimaced. "That bad?"

"No, you just have really ugly feet."

"Ugly feet that got you on this roof."

"But are we stuck?" Y/N asked. The Elderclock ceased its ringing, and in the silence that followed, she shut her eyes in relief. "Finally."

"What happened at the prison?" Wylan said, that panicked crackle back in his voice. Jesper gave him a quick reassuring glance. "What triggered the alarm?"

"I ran into two guards," said Nina.

Jesper looked up from his work again. "You didn't put them down?"

"I did. But one of them got off a few shots. Another guard came running. That was when the bells started."

"Damn. So that's what set off the alarm?"

"Maybe," said Nina. "Where were you, Kaz? I wouldn't have been in the stairwell if I hadn't wasted time looking for you. Why didn't you meet me on the landing?"

Kaz was peering down through the glass of the dome. "I decided to search the cells on the fifth floor, too."

They all stared at him. Y/N felt frustration bubbling up in her chest.

"What the hell is this?" Jesper said. "You take off before Matthias and I got back, then decide to expand your search and leave Nina thinking you're in trouble?"

"There was something I needed to take care of."

"Not good enough."

"I had a hunch," Kaz said. "I followed it."

Y/N's expression was pure disbelief. "A hunch?"

"I made a mistake," growled Kaz. "All right?"

"No," she fired back. "You owe us an explanation."

After a moment, Kaz said, "I went looking for Pekka Rollins." A look passed between Kaz and Y/N. Everyone else shared a look as Kaz cleared his throat. "I screwed up. I made a bad call, and I deserve the blame for it. But that doesn't change our situation."

"What is our situation?" Nina asked Matthias. "What will they do now?"

"The alarm was Yellow Protocol, a sector disturbance."

Jesper pushed at his temples. "I don't even remember what that means."

"My guess is that they think someone's attempting a prison break. That sector is already sealed off from the rest of the Ice Court, so they'll authorize a search, probably try to figure out who's mission from the cells."

"They'll find the people we knocked out in the women's and men's holding areas," said Wylan. "we need to get out of here. Forget BoYul-Batur."

Y/N waved a dismissive hand through the air. "It's too late. If the guards think there is a prison break in progress, the checkpoints will be on high alert. Right?" she looked to Matthias in a quick question. "They're not going to let anyone just walk through."

"We could still try," said Jesper. "We get Inej's feet patched up-"

She flexed them, then stood, testing her bare soles on the gravel. "They feel all right. My calluses are gone, though."

"I'll give you an address where you can mail your complaints," Nina said with a wink.

"Okay, the Wraith is ambulatory," Jesper said, rubbing a sleeve over his damp face. The rain had faded away to a light mist. "We find a cozy room to bash some partygoers on the head and waltz out of this place decked in their finest."

"Past the embassy gate and two checkpoints?" Matthias said skeptically.

"They don't know anyone escaped the prison sector. They saw Nina and Kaz so they know people are out of their cells, but the guards at the checkpoints are going to be looking for hoodlums in prison clothes..." Jesper's voice faded to a buzz in Y/N's ears.

She came on an assignment. A world-changing substance was out here somewhere and if it were to get into the wrong hands, it could reach and poison all Grisha. She had a duty to her people and fellow brothers and sisters. If she were to get caught then she would be caught trying to finish the mission. If she were to die then she would die on her feet as a Ravkan soldier.

"Forget it," she said. "I came here to find BoYul-Bayur, and I'm not leaving without him.""What's the point?" said Wylan as he watched the Inferni with concern. "Even if you manage to get to the White Island and find Yul-Bayur, we'll have no way out. Jesper's right: We should go now while we still have a chance."

"You are more than welcome to leave if you see it best. I came here with an assignment and I intend to see it through, even if it means I have to cross to the White Island alone. I will."

"That may not be an option," said Matthias causing her to turn her sharp gaze in his direction. "Look."

They gathered around the base of the glass dome. The rotunda below was a mass of people, drinking, laughing, greeting each other, a kind of raucous party before the celebrations on the White Island.

As they watched, a group of new guards pushed into the room, trying to form the crowd into lines.

"They're adding another checkpoint," Matthias said. "They're going to review everyone's identification again before they allow people access to the glass bridge."

"Because of Yellow Protocol?" asked Jesper.

"Probably. A precaution."

It was like seeing the last bit of their luck drain from a glass.

"Then that decides it," said Jesper. "We cut our losses and try to get out now."

"I know a way," Inej said quietly. They all turned to look at her. The yellow light from the dome pooled in her dark eyes. "We can get through that checkpoint and onto the White Island." She pointed below to where two groups of people had entered the rotunda from the gatehouse courtyard and were shaking the mist from their clothes. The girls from the House of the Blue Iris were easily identified by the color of their gowns and the flowers displayed in their hair and at their necklines. There was another pleasure house that took Y/N a moment to recognize. It was a house located in Shu Han that Y/N had business with years back.

"I have a friend whom I met briefly while traveling with Sturmhond. She could help us get inside."

"Inej-" Kaz started.

The Suli quickly interrupted him. "I can get two of us in for sure."

The guys shared a silent look of hesitation while the girls wordlessly discussed who would go.

Nina spoke up, "I'll go with Inej."

Matthias had opened his mouth to argue but Y/N cut him off. "That'd be the smartest choice, a Heartrender would be a better fit than an Inferni. It's likely you both would need a bit of tailoring as well..." She trailed off as she continued to observe the swarm of people below.

Inej nodded, "Then it's settled. We go in with the pleasure houses."

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