A New Heartrender

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The inferni rushed over to the brunette and wrapped her in a tight hug, "Oh, I've missed you!" Nina gasped in surprise, "Y/N! What in Saint's sake are you doing here of all places?" Y/N chuckled, "I thought I needed a vacation. Look where and with who I've ended up."

Kaz looked between the two grisha. "And how do you two know each other?"

"The little palace." They replied together.

Wylan shuffled his feet once the silence settled in the workshop. "Can I get anyone some tea?"

Kaz rolled his eyes at Wylan and turned back to Nina, "You worked with Arken."

"It was more of a limited partnership." Nina shrugged while she kept an arm wrapped around Y/N's shoulders.

"Did you trust him?" Kaz was expecting a certain answer.

Nina scoffed, "That turncoat? Not on your life. He was shadier than an oak at three bells."

Kaz looked satisfied, "What's your price?"

"I've expended the legal avenues on my problem. Every clerk in the city says the same thing. 'The judge will see you in six months.'" Nina's voice grew frustrated at the reminder of being turned down and away time and time again.

"And so you're looking for the not-so-legal route on... What, exactly?"

"I'm told you could free someone from Hellgate."

Kaz looked towards Inej and she stood there unmoving, both their eyes were calculating, but one pair was colder than the other.

"Hellgate? Who do you need from Hellgate?" Y/N asked.

"Someone, I say as if he's anyone, and in truth, he's the love of my life," Nina spoke while looking between Y/N and Kaz. The inferni smiled with pride at the thought of her good friend finding love. Kaz on the other hand pursed his lips in thought and tilted his head, "I can't get you a release from Hellgate." Nina nodded in acceptance before he spoke up again, "But I can get you a visit. In exchange for your services."

"What do you need me for?"

"The aftermath."

Everyone stared at him as he walked up the steps, "Follow me." Y/N and Nina stood in place for a moment before Inej spoke up. "He does this." She turned to follow the others as the two grisha women shared a look, "Does he?"

The group of six walked up and out onto the roof now having a great view of the city. Continuing to follow him, they all lined up beside each other waiting expectantly for Kaz to say something. "Brick by brick."

Inej looked up at Jesper beside her with furrowed eyebrows seconds before an explosion went off. The large puff of fire and smoke seemed almost unreal as the screams of citizens could barely be heard over the distance.

"What was that?" Jesper's voice was shaken as he spoke.

"The Crow Club."

The zemini turned to Wylan, "Was that yours?" The brown-haired boy didn't respond but looked down in guilt as he realized what he'd helped Kaz do.

Y/N spoke, starting hesitantly, "I take it we're now in the aftermath?"

"This doesn't help us clear our name, Kaz. This is war with Pekka Rollins, the King of the Barrel."

Kaz's face had no emotion written across it, he held his composer well. "The Barrel doesn't belong to kings." He turned on his heel and walked back to the door they came from, "It belongs to bastards."


Crows symbolize prophecy, transformation, change, and freedom. They also remember faces, the people who've wronged them, and the people who've shown them kindness. 'It makes sense.' Y/N thought to herself. Revenge was something that seemed to plague Kaz's mind, while that alone would be pure danger in a shot glass... He had Inej and Jesper to balance him out. Together they're still dangerous but more sensible if only Kaz was able to sit and hear his crew out. Their feelings and thoughts, if everything was on the table and sorted properly, would be a well-shaken cocktail.

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