Into the Fold

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Each step was taken cautiously as the group of six walked through the Fold. Growls could be heard around them causing Y/N to check their surroundings every minute despite Alina encircling them in a shield of light.
"This is it. The heart of the Fold. Where Kirigan first damned this country into darkness." Alina spoke as she stood beside Mal, a set of stone steps behind them like ruins of an old building. "I think this is where we stand a chance of bringing it down." Mal shifted closer to her, ready to draw his knife. She placed her hands over his and refused. "No. We can do this." Alina lifted* her right hand and motioned for Mal to hold it.
Bewilderment washed over Y/N all at once when she saw the bright red light flow through the sun summoner's veins. "He's the firebird."
Flares of blue and red light seeped out of Alina in powerful waves. The red spiraled around the couple and flew all over the place encompassing them like a forest fire.
The other four women stood to the side and watched in awe. "It's beautiful." Nina's breath caught in her throat as she spoke. Zoya and Y/N reached for the heartrender's hands as Inej said her prayers of worship in silence. The inferni's amazement* was cut short when she felt another presence. She felt as if all the air had left her lungs as she turned to Zoya. "He's here."
"How touching." The Darkling strode through Alina and Mal's shield of light with his hands clasped and extended outwards before him. The black scars on his face were impossible to miss as Y/N stared him down from where she stood while holding her ground.
Alina let go of Mal, the red light instantly fading away.
"I almost feel bad for what I have to do now." Kirigan said as he walked closer. "He is family after all." He spat his words as if they were the vilest concept. The summoner threw a glance at the tracker before diverting her attention back to the Darkling.
"Get down!" Mal shouted.
Y/N's attention was pulled toward where Mal stood with his gun drawn. She ducked down just in time to dodge the bullet meant for the nichovoya.
The Darkling drew his hands together, summoning the Cut. Alina quickly copied, both summoners aiming for the other. Their slices hit one another with such force they nearly canceled out each other's power. Fortunately, Alina had used slightly more force and a piece struck Aleksander's side. He flew back and landed hard on his back with a groan. Alina grinned with pride as she watched Kirigan squirm in pain.
"I'm hit." His voice was strained while he spoke.
"Mal." The sun summoner rushed to his side and in a flurry of panic, the light shield fell leaving everyone vulnerable to the monsters that are local to the Fold. Right before the four girls could run to Alina and Mal, Nina was snatched by the nichovoya.
"Nina." Dread formed in Y/N's bones despite the roaring rage in her chest. "Nina!" Inej and Zoya turned and looked around desperately for the heartrender. The three of them moved to stand back to back, circling each other protectively.
"Stay with me." Alina's voice cried out over the rushing of blood in their ears. "Stay with me!"
With a glance thrown quickly to Zoya, Y/N ran over to where Alina was bent over Mal's body. She fell to her knees next to them as Mal drew his knife and handed it to the crying girl.
"I can't." Alina cried.
"Make them redraw all the maps."
Y/N looked away from the couple while she felt her emotions bubble over.
The Darkling was once again adding another theft to his long list of stolen lives and other cherished belongings of the innocent girls he'd tormented. Genya, Zoya, Y/N, and Alina. Just another thing he got to ruin with his blood-stained hands. Convincing each girl of his feelings and intentions while he utilizes them as if they were pawns in a chess game. Sacrificing each of them for more power.
"I love you." Alina said, her voice cracking from her tears.
"You know where to find me."
Alina nodded, taking a deep breath before she plunged the knife through Mal's chest. Instant regret and pain washed over her as she threw her head back and screamed. Her arm flew up over her head, as she channeled every last ounce of her power towards the sky, towards destroying the Fold.
Y/N watched the scene unfold with wide eyes before standing and running towards the two suli girls as the Fold vanished*. The now blue sky above them felt like a breath of fresh air, before they noticed the nichovoya spawning around them. They all shared a look and nodded.
Zoya twisted the wind between her hands, shoving the shadow monsters forward so Inej could use the Neshyenyer through the shadows. Y/N helped herd them with small flames. The squaller was thrown to the side by a long hand of shadow while Inej kept fighting the shadow monsters.
Alina's voice could be heard calling Nina while she still leaned over Mal.
Once Inej sliced through the last shadow monster* all three grisha women rushed to the sun summoner's side. Nina instantly started her attempts to revive the tracker.
Y/N rose to her feet when she noticed Kirgian standing.
"Now... You know sacrifice."
The inferni scoffed, "Beyond anything you've ever known." She spoke on behalf of the grieving summoner. "And look what it did." She gestured around them.
"Indeed." The Darkling nodded, "Look what it did." He tore his eyes away from her to the lifeless body on the stone steps.
A fresh wave of tears washed over Alina as she stood slightly behind the inferni, "Mal and I changed the world. We tore down your Shadow Fold."
"You have my sympathies for what comes next. When you realize that what you've done solves nothing. The world doesn't need a Saint to protect it, Alina." He took a step forward, "It needs a monster. And while I remain-" His words fell off into a coughing fit, his breath more labored. "Let me be your monster."
Y/N stepped forward but Alina held her back. "You think that after everything, I'll still stand by you?"
"There is no light without darkness. Without me, you have no counter, no balance. Let me carry the hatred of this world."
"Hatred." Alina scoffed*, "Because of the choices you made."
"Choices you too will make... in time."
"I will never walk your path."
"I know you believe that now..." He groaned as he stepped forward again, "But look at Y/N." The inferni stiffed at the mention of her name. "She's already had to make some choices. Haven't you?" She looked away as shame crept up on her.
"Soon the both of you will have no equal. The years spent alone will grind you down, they will harden you. And who will be there to shield you from it? Who will be there to save you?" Kirigan reached his hand to Alina's face but she reacted quicker. Grabbing his wrist first, "I will save myself. Your legacy is already written. There is no redemption." She shoved his hand away from her causing him to fall to his knees.
A loud gasp escaped his lips as his shadows shifted and formed. The sun summoner backed up as the shadow monster walked towards her. Y/N shoved Alina out of the way when she saw the claw-like hand reach for her. The monster grasped the inferni by her neck, lifting her off her feet into the air. Kirigan tried to lunge forward, "Leave her alone! No!" He was quickly shoved to the ground.
"Y/N!" Inej shouted and threw the Neshyenyer right under the grisha's arm embedding itself within the monster causing it to go up in flames.
The Darkling rose to his feet while Y/N gasped for air. "You can't control them, can you? You can't control any of it."
He extended his hand to her, "I thought I could control it all once. Find peace. And for a moment, I swear I did." He closed his eyes as if he was taken back to his memories.
Y/N rose* to her feet with the blade in hand and took a deep breath through her nose. She raised the sword and plunged it into the Darkling, just below his ribs. His eyes shot wide open, "Without me, know they will come for you."
"I'm... I'm a monster." Y/N shuddered at the thought while she stared down at her hands. Kirigan came up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Possibly, but as long as I'm around they will never know."
The inferni gritted her teeth, "Let them come." She pulled the sword out and let his body fall to the sand beneath them.
Alina walked to stand above him, blocking the sun from his eyes.
"Alina... you make sure there is nothing left of me. Please." He choked on his breath, "Please."
Y/N turned around and walked to where Nina knelt beside Mal's body. Y/N turned briefly and made eye contact with Zoya, only exchanging a silent nod.
After no response from Mal's body a dark look flashed in Alina's eyes. Y/N noticed and spoke, "Think through your actions, Alina. Once done, you can't reverse them." The sun summoner ignored all caution and proceeded anyway, bringing Mal back to life with a loud gasp.
Y/N walked away to stand next to Zoya.
"What do we do with him?" The squaller asked.
"Will you wait with him until we return? I don't want any heretics to find the body and make a martyr's relic of it." Alina said. "We'll burn him where he fell. We're on the other side of this now. There's no turning back."

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