Demo Man

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The smog of the city only worsened in the new part the trio was walking through. Y/N's wrists ached from the metal shackles and her nose never relaxed as she scanned their surroundings for any signs of... Anything. "Who said Ketterdam was a good place to visit? Whoever said that has never been here."

"We are in the literal bottom of the Barrel." Jesper's voice also held a tone of disgust.

"Stadwatch don't patrol down here. We're safer." Y/N noticed Kaz's limp seemed slightly worse, but he tried to hide it as he leaned more on his cane. "Inej, what did you find?"

Jesper jumped slightly when Inej walked up on his other side. 'She is the Wraith for a reason then...'

"We've been framed for the murder of Tante Heleen."

"Wait, what? We didn't do that though." Jesper said, exasperated. He turned to Kaz with wide eyes, "Wait, did you do that?"

The pieces of their story finally started to click together. Hired by a merchant, but really it was Sturmhond, to kidnap the Sun Summoner and failed. Kaz gave Tante Heleen the shares to the Crow Club in order for Inej to come with them and leaves. All of this for a million kruge. Overall, they come back in slightly worse shape than when they left and find out that all hell broke loose while their presence was absent. They lost their club and are now left with nothing, leaving them on the run with Y/N to follow. 'Some vacation'.

"It was Pekka Rollins, wasn't it? He framed us for murder." Kaz spat out the name like it was the vilest thing he could say. As if the name itself was a curse.

Y/N knew the feeling. Someone you hated but it was much deeper than just hate. It was someone you despised, someone who did you wrong far beyond unforgivable. The Darkling. The way Kaz said Pekka's name is the same way she would say General Kirigan's.

"He wanted to punish us," Inej finally spoke up. "For taking the job after he warned you off."

"But why take it out on Tante Heleen?" Jesper asked, half lost in the conversation causing Y/N to roll her eyes herself.

"She held the deed to the Crow Club. We cut a deal so Inej could help us with the Sun Sumoner, so Rollins killed her."

Jesper and Inej shared a look, "He owns the club. Everyone who works there now works for Pekka Rollins." She held her wrist, "There's more." She pulled her sleeve and showed the small feather tattoo inked into her skin.

Regret washed over Kaz's face, "The Menagerie."

"He owns that now too. Along with everything else the Menagerie owns." Y/N placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. Inej leaned slightly closer to her, glancing at her in thanks for the warm comfort.

"So, Stadwatch are everywhere and Pekka's untouchable. Never thought I'd miss the Fold."

"You don't." Y/N's voice was quiet but held a sharp edge to it. Kirigan's face flashed in her mind and she gritted her teeth. She mentally tuned in and out of the conversation between Inej and Kaz, only taking note of the man's stubbornness and refusal to her the girl out.

"I'll take care of it." He snapped at her, "This isn't your fight now. It's mine." He limped forward, walking away from the small group, his cane clicking with every other step.

"I'm not leaving you." Inej went after him with Jesper following. Y/N walked slowly behind them, eyes still wandering around their surroundings. "Not now." They all stood by his side once again when he looked down in both frustration and annoyance.

Silence settled around them before Y/N spoke up, "Don't push them away, Brekker. They're all you have at the moment. plus what happens to Saints is fate." She felt a pit in her stomach at the thought of Alina "What happens here is up to you."

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