Chapter 1: A New Age

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" ahhh , the story of the worlds strongest man. Edward Whitebeard Newgate , who's strength was almost godlike. Able to hold dragon's jaws open , shatter men with his punch , and force the sea to obey his command. Indeed he was the world's strongest , even in the face of death he stood. With multiple sword wounds , gun wounds and his half his head blasted off , he stood tall strong , mighty and proud. "

Three young children stood Infront of the old man who was telling the story.

" He stood despite all those wounds!? " A boy wearing a durag over his hair on his head.

" They don't call him the strongest for nothing " another boy wearing a bandana to cover his forehead.

" I thought they called him the handsomest? " Another boy asked , he had pink skin and tentacles for a chin.

The old man chuckled.
" Hehehe. He was all of those things , but above all he was a father to his crew. "

A question mark appeared above all the children's heads.

" How does that work? " They all asked.

Dusting off his clothes , the old man got up from his sitting position on a tree stump.

" He loved his crew and cared for them like his children. As long as they were his crewmates , they were the sons of the sea , and his kids " he explained.

The three kids wow'd in unison.

" So even though he wasn't their real father , he still treated and called them as his children? " The fish boy asked.

" Yes "

" I wish I was in his crew " the durag boy whined.

" Yeah , sounds like having the world's strongest man as you're father meant no bullies " bandana boy said as he imagined it.

The fish boy stood up and got into a fighting stance.
" Alright , let's get back to training "

" Woah woah woah! Slow down my dear , you have all the time in the world to train thanks to my time-time fruit powers " the old man said as he walked towards the edge of the cliff they were on.

The bandana boy got up and began to follow the man.
" You never really explained to us how you got that fruit , old man "

" Telling you that would ruin a good story for another time , haha. For now focus and study on what you want to become " the old man said as he stopped at the edge.
" Didn't you say that you would revive a legendary sea beast when you're trainings complete? "

" That's right kahaha! "

Durag boy came up from behind him holding a spear in his right hand.
" Yeah right! You're to dumb to do that , Sander "

Sander turned to his friend and fired a blue flame projectile at his friend, who withstood the attack like it was nothing.

The fish boy walked up to Sanders and patter him.
" Don't worry brother , I'll be you're captain remember? With me we'll definitely revive that sea beast and create a crew so powerful that the world will fear the Jones Pirates " he said.

With those words , Sanders calmed down.
" Thanks Davy. I'll make sure you become the world's strongest when we're outta here "

Durag boy put the spear behind his neck and hooked both his arms around them.
" You forget. I'm the one who'll claim that title , and take over the Whitebeard pirate's. Before that I'm going to become as strong as Whitebeard himself and defeat all the strongest pirates and Marines in the world! " He exclaimed , laughing heartily as the other two looked at him with smiles.

The old Man had been looking at them while his body faced the sea.
(" Those boys will become my greatest Creations. All of them will become strong men and eventually gun for the Strongest title. ") He thought in his head.

" You'll have to go through me and Sanders then , and there's no way in hell that you'll be able to take us down. Hekaakaaa!! " Davy stated.

Scoffing and planting his spear on the ground , durag boy held his fist in the air.
" I can , and I WILL! For my name is Orion!! "

The old man turned to them and stamped his feet.
" I love the spirit boys , now get to training and make those dreams you're reality!! " He exclaimed as they turned to him with determined looks.
" And when it's time to set out on you're own , remember that you're the new generation of pirates who'll outshine this one. You are the New Age of pirates , the Timeless Age!!! "

" And it's been 15 years since that day..... "

On the same ledge , the old man sat looking at the same sea. Behind him stood three strong figures , and behind them were more of figures like em.

" Years of training , and thanks to my powers you've all aged within that time like it was 18 years. You're all strong grown men who are about to head out of my time dome , and out to the open sea to challenge the world " he said setting down his old coat.

Next to him , a grown up Orion got down on one knee and put his huge arm on the old man's shoulder.
" you never did tell us about you're devil fruit powers old man. We've been doing some theorizing yet not quite sure how it works " he said , voice so manly that it reminded them of a strong presence.

Sighing , the old man rubbed his hair before speaking.
" Alright I'll tell ya. Hehe , the Time Time fruit. Gave me the ability to create a space around me which caused the world to slow down around me while inside time remained the same. 6 months outside my Time dome is equal to 18years in here. Basically it's like a time chamber but u can age inside the dome , though I don't know why I didn't just call it that from the start hehe* Cough * he "

As he coughed he began to feel sleepy....... barely awake enough to take one last look at the kids he brought up , the kids he trained.

" You all know this bit. But I decided to use my last few months to train the next generation , or at least the ones I knew would make an impact on this age of pirates. And those months have been the best months of my long long life , training you lot *Cough**Cough* "

All of them , scary as they've become , they were also amazing. Having shaped themselves to become exactly how they wanted , how they envisioned themselves.

" Now , once you get out there. Make sure to give them hell in each of you're paths , become you're own masters of the sea "

He looked at his three , they weren't different from the others. But he was close to them , he saw they're younger selves grow up to become these glorious beings.

" Now get on you're ships before them Navy men show up , I want you all to start you're adventures as soon as now , you here me!! " He ordered with a smile.

" AYE AYE CAPTAIN!!! " They all responded , all leaving and getting on their ships as they saw the navy ships breach into the time dome.

The old man closed his eyes , but he didn't get to rest yet.

Behind him were his three , marching towards the oncoming Navy vessels.

A fish Man , built like a sea king on his way to become the world's strongest.
Aiming to attain an ability so powerful that the very sea bends to it's will.

His first mate , aiming to revive and tame a legendary sea monster , and help his captain become the world's strongest.

And finally a Man , built like the strongest , carrying a Naginata, and wearing a durag on his head. Aiming to not only become the world's strongest , but to rebuild the Whitebeard pirates.

Together they jumped off their home island and onto the Navy vessels that were already inside the time dome.
Manhandling the marines and sinking the ship's one by one.

Their laughter shaking the very sea that was beginning to show as the dome began to fade.

The old man died with a smile , Fading as his time was finally up....and the time for the New Age , The Age he created , to begin.

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