chapter 10: Test of toughness

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A prisoner sat inside his cell , his fellow inmates lay quiet on the cold hard ground.

Were they alive? He couldn't tell.

Feeling like 4 years past , whereas he had only been thrown in this hell hole a month ago.
Yep! That's what impel down does to ya. It sucks both hope and you're concept of time away.

The prisoner had a mohawk that once shined a bright red , and sunglasses that were shaped like stars.
Broken though , they were due to the constant torture he was made to go through.

He hated the heat of this level , he hated this prison , just as much as he hated the ones who threw him in here.

Naturally he wanted to get out , and he was just super duper lucky that his wish was going to be granted in the form of-


Just then the Chief Warden came falling from the falling through the high ceiling of the 3rd floor.

The warden immediately rolled away as a hulking figure landed where he previously was.

The prisoner coughed as dust came from the sandy terrain. And as it settled , he got a good look at the tall figure.

It didn't take him long to realize that this wasn't the usual breakout brawl. Seeing as this man showed no concern for the other prisoners , however the taller man locked eyes with him for a second.

For the prisoner , this was like looking at an angel or Devil in the eyes.

Scared for his safety he backed away from the steel bars as the man approached.
He was in no condition to even defend himself.

Stopping at the bars , the tall man took a look at his body.

" What scars. You must have fought battles with all you're strength " he said.

Taking a look at the prisoner. His right arm and left hand were gone. He had alot of scars too.

" Giving it my all could only get me so far..... " The prisoner said with a dry voice.

The tall man kept his gaze on the prisoner.
As if on cue , the tall man tilted his head to dodge an incoming stab attack from the chief warden and his double bladed Naginata.

" That's right , I'll be back in a bit " he said as he elbowed the chief warden in the gut before turning around and kicking him away.

As the man disappeared into the flying sands of the battle , he hoped that this was his savior.
And not too sooner had the man left that his cell door creaked open.

Back with the pirate , who was now standing in the middle of the sandy floor.

Chief Warden Hannyabal stood strong as if nothing had happened , leaving Orion amazed at the man's toughness.

The pirate spun his weapon in his hand and pointed it at the Warden.
" You're tough , you've withstood three straight attacks from the butt of my Naginata " Orion stated.

" Of course!! Now , I'll show you just how weak you are compared to me!! " Hannyabal said as he swung his weapon at Orion.

The first few swings were easily dodged by Orion , but the pirate quickly became overwhelmed by the wardens fierce attacks and was getting scratched by them.

Hannyabal ceased his attack , noticing that Orion wasn't attacking back at all.

" Is there a reason why you've stopped fighting? " The warden asked.

Orion looked at his torso , eyes scanning the scratches on his body.
" Yes. The reason is that you said you were the toughest man on the prison " he stated.

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