chapter 18: Ending it All

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It was looking grim for the K.D.F and the pirates.

Orion was still glued to the battlefield , All of the remaining K.D.F soldiers were  inside a pitfall trap and Zarya had just watched her closest friend lose an arm.

Bolto fell forward , into Zarya's muscular arms. She held onto him with wide eyes , everything she fought for about to come to an end.
She began to doubt herself , began to doubt everything that she fought for , all in all she began to think like someone else.

Meanwhile , Vice Admiral Nina made the blizzard raged even more than it already was. Surroundings the battlefield in white , preventing anyone from seeing anything.
She held a denden-mushi in her right hand , close to her face as she waited for a response.

In her eyes , everything went to plan , only with a few holes and casualties. But she got what she came for , and she had accomplished her goal. However as long as she remained on the island , she stood with the possibility of giving them a chance to turn things around.

But with the battles so far turned in her favour , she ruled out that possibility.

And honestly , that would've been it.....

If not for a sudden rumble behind her.

Nina turned around to see Zayn holding the sword and shield , Surrounded by a light blue Aura that shocked the very ice they stood on.

" Aren't you tired? After all , you have been fighting for so long I'm surprised that you still have any energy left " Nina said as she tossed the particle cannon onto her ship , allowing two marine soldiers to carry it into the ship for her.

" I make it a habit , to last longer than most men " Zayn said with a smirk.

The Vice Admiral drew her rapier and pointed it at Zayn.
" You have nothing left to offer me , swordsman. You might as well free you're captain so that you have a chance of evening the odds " she stated , ignoring whatever Zayn meant by his last statement.

Zayn looked behind him , seeing Orion still glued to one position , yet cleaving the Marines that approached him with ease.

" Wouldn't want him to take think that I can't beat a vice admiral , not like you'd beat him anyway " he said , angering the woman.

" You doubt my strength? despite having lost to it twice already " she asked.

The swordsman smirked.
" Didn't say that. But since you want to fight him so bad , why not I tag out with him. " He suggested.

Hearing that , the woman lunged forward.

" Million Stab!! "

She exclaimed thrusting her rapier multiple times in quick succession.

But unlike the last time , Zayn didn't attempt to block it , instead he used the sword to parry every thrust before sending her backwards by delivering a downward slash followed quickly by an uppercut slash. The first attack made contact with Nina's rapier and the second forced her backwards.

Though surprised , she didn't waste any time and immediately regained her footing only for the swordsman to lunge at the woman , driving his sword down on her while she blocked with her rapier.

The strength that he was exerting surprised her even more , this time leaving her open to a shield bash to the face.
This attack stunned her , leaving her wide open as she tried regain her footing.

Zayn smirked.
" I've been biding my time , charging up energy so that I can show you the reason why I've been playing it easy " he said as he suddenly locked the sword into these shield.

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