chapter 12: The cure

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Jack and Zayn dashed around Magellan , their situation starting to worsen even after fighting for only a while.

The poison had already gotten to them when they First returned to the top , but now it's effects were starting to give them a disadvantage making their reactions slow and their visions blurry.

Their attacks weren't as effective as they normally would be , allowing the towering poison creature to land attacks on them and making their conditions worse.

Zayn dodged a tail swipe from Magellan and stood next to jack.

" The poison in our systems right now are going to kill us within the next ten minutes " Jack explained as he coughed out some blood.

Zayn looked at the pirate , Jack had been in bad shape when they set him's crazy how he's survived this long while In being poisoned.

" Got a plan? Wouldn't want to die here after I just got freed " jack asked.

" No " Zayn answered as they both rolled out of the way of an incoming sludge bomb.
" Just gonna slash it until I either kill that damn ape , or die trying "

The pirate chuckled.
" Pretty straight forward , let's do that " he said as the two rushed at the demon.

The Hydra heads all fired liquid poison at them , with Magellan at the core glaring while they approached.

Zayn stood Infront of Jack and begun to spin around with his dual blades in hand. His attack clashing with the the beams of concentrated poison , with him actually cutting through it while also moving through it.

" Woah!! " Jack said.

" Foolish!! " Magellan exclaimed as he released more poison from his body and adding more force to the Hydra's attacks.

The swordsman yelled as he too increased his power , spinning so fast that he had moved so close to the Hydra's faces.

(" This is definitely going to kill me! But if Jack reads this right ,then we'll be able to win ") Zayn thought as he increased his power to it's limit again despite the poisons in his body.

With a enraged shout , Zayn cut through the poison heads all at once surprising Magellan.
However the Warden smirked and raised both of his hands , making both the Hydra's hands to raise up as well.

" You fool!! You can't dodge this now!! " He exclaimed as the poison hands were about to slam on Zayn who released his grip and put his right arm on his katana's hilt.

Suddenly a gunshot was heard , and a bullet went straight through the poison Hydra's body and through Magellan's chest.

The warden looked down to see jack on his knees and his right hand raised , pointing the gun and grinning.

As Magellan looked up he saw Zayn drawing his katana.

" Helm Breaker!!! "

Zayn exclaimed as he brought down his blade and sliced straight through the poison body and severing the left arm of Magellan.

The poison monster fell apart and the poison gas ceased , leaving Magellan on the ground clutching the mortal wound.

Jack smiled before coughing out more blood.

Zayn sheathed his katana and looked at his dual blades , it's blades were melted off.....and his hands were damaged severely.
His vision was blurry , and his body wanted to quit on him.....but he knew that he hadn't finished his opponent.

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