chapter 19: Protecting you!

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Gonna rework the first four chapters. I realized how bland and boring they are and could throw of some potential readers so imma fix that problem no sweat.

And with the end of the Karakuri ark we now enter the next phase of Orion's journey throughout the Grand Line.


Awakening from what she would say is a nightmare , Vice Admiral Nina snapped back to consciousness.
She looked around herself and noticed that not only was she chained to a chair , but also that she was an a room.

As any chained up person would do , she tried to break or wriggle free of the cuffs hold on her but to no avail.
She also came to the realization that the chains were made of seastone and for those of you who have no idea what that is , then know that it's a rare material that can negate all Devil fruits powers.

The sound of a door opening alerted her and she turned to the source immediately.

Infront of her stood Katya Volskaya, the leader of the Karakuri defense force and next to her was Zarya who stood with her particle cannon slung on its strap across her back.

" Welcome back , Vice Admiral " Katya greeted.

Not answering , Nina merely glared at her.

" I see you're battle injuries aren't as severe as we'd hoped , much thanks to the pirate there " Katya said with short laugh.

Pirate!? That's right , she had lost to the pirate of the Timeless age , Orion.
She remembered the whole fight now.

" Where is that pirate!? I assume he's taken his pay and left , hasn't he! " Nina said with a evil smirk.

However , instead of Zarya or Katya to deny it. Orion instead knocked on the walls , making it known that he was very well present.
" Still here , Marine " he said from the outside.

Nina couldn't believe it.....
" But i thought- "

" You thought we were paying him , to fight with us!? " Zarya asked before chuckling , her short laughter ceased shortly after.
" No no , he did what he did just because he hates you Marines "

" So you guys aren't giving him one of your weapons? " Nina asked.

Suddenly , the front wall was torn off by Orion's big hands. Glaring down at the Navy woman with what she would describe as pure hate.
" Not all pirates are in it for profits " he stated.

" Indeed , now let's get to the point shall we? " Katya said.
" Now , after defeating you. Sergeant Zarya here had found that you were in possession of a golden denden-mushi , and that you planned on blowing up this country once you had gotten our particle cannon. Now tell me , have the marines gone so low to the point of commiting genocide? " The K.D.F leader asked.

" The world government knows the particle cannons dangerous potential as a weapon , c'mon you've seen it for yourselves. It destroyed many of my ships , along with some of my men " Nina said.
" You shouldn't have that kind of power. We are supposed to be providing protection for all islands. And as a country that refuses to comply with the world Governments orders , well......I've said all I needed to "

Zarya approached the woman.
" So , killing off a country because of their strive for independence is a normal thing for Navy folk? " she asked.

Nina laughed, only to receive a powerful right punch to the face.
The muscular woman grabbed he Marine by her collar and yanked her off the floor.

" Are people's lives not worth ANYTHING TO YOU PEOPLE!!! " She yelled.

The vice admiral switched her gaze from Zarya , to Orion.
" As long as justice prevails , sacrifices are going to be made. " She said.

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