chapter 6: First stop

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" But....."

" After her last visit to the Timeless island , the Marines caught wind of it. And began to tail her. Keeping track of her every move and watching everywhere she went " Orion explained.

While he did , Zayn sheathed his katana back after cleaning it.
Listening intently.

" So she stopped coming , and we knew why. she sent one message through a bird and told us that she knew they were following her , explaining why she could never come back " Orion paused.
" And the next few weeks we went without hearing a word from her , we understood why so we weren't that sad about it "

The sound of the sea made this the perfect environment for stories.

" That was....until someone sent us a note , a friend of hers that knew about us. Telling us that she was taken by the navy and was going to be executed for hiding the whereabouts of a wanted criminal " the man reached into his box and pulled out a wanted poster , on it was a photo of an old man with long hair and a long beard , his name being Old Timer , and his bounty was 500 million belli.
" This was the man who raised and trained us , the one who the Marines were looking for. And they wanted to use her to get him "

Zayn raised a hand up.
" What did they want with an old man like him? " He asked.

Orion chuckled.
" Believe it or not , the Timeless island was only Timeless because of this man's Devil fruit. And the same way he trained the Timeless generation was the same way they wanted to train their own "
He explained.
" But the island was hidden by a dome which was created by the time fruit , and surrounded by multitudes of hurricanes and sea kings. With nearly no safe route in or out unless the dome was turned off "

" Then how did the lady get in and out of the island? " Zayn asked.

Orion took a large bottle of rum and popped it's cork open.
" She knew the only safe route in. A current with a small opening that if entered correctly , gave you a quick and safe route to the island. " He answered as he took another bottle out of the box and handed it to Zayn.

" And they knew that she knew the way in , so they tried to force the answer outta her " Orion paused.
" we didn't like that one bit.....but the Old Timer wouldn't let us leave , saying that they would just get what they wanted if we did. And in truth he was right "

" Two weeks later , she was executed....just for knowing the whereabouts of some kids and an old man " Orion said bitterly as he took a swig of the drink , Zayn followed suit and did the same.
" Died proudly too , her last words were that we make sure to fulfill our dreams "

(" Make sure you fulfill your dreams and stamp you're names in history , you damn kids. Nehehee ")

Orion grinned and held his glass in the air , toasting to her before taking a huge swig.
" Aah~! From then on we did what we could to improve our haki on our own. "
He said.
" And when it was time for us to leave the island , just as the marines showed up- "

* Flashback *

Three figures walked towards the sea , where Marine ship's were approaching as the dome faded away.

Orion , Sanders and Davy. The three's faces covered by darkness as they made their murderous intent clear.

" After all this time , we can finally get a little payback on the marines " Sanders said.

" Fer what they did to our sweet Miss Power! " Davy growled , snapping his hands.

Orion gripped his Naginata in his right hand
" Give em hell boys " he said

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