My will

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So, Jewel might get mad at me for what I am about to say...


I did the Sachiko Ever After charm...

And failed miserably...

The first time.

Second time I did it, actually went well.

But I assume that Sachiko is still mad at me for failing.

So, If I die in the next...5 minutes or so, I wanted to leave my will on Wattpad.

It doesn't even matter if I don't die. I will still leave my will so you guys know what to steal from my house when I'm dead.

~My will~

Alex, you get my Wattpad account.

Jewel, you get my Tumbler.

Alice, you get my sketchbooks and my sweaters.

Kirby (Gabe), you get my Kindle.

And all four of you will get my secret stash of chocolate...along with L.J's.

L.J: HEY!!!

Me: Better run, bye peoples!!!!!! *runs*

L.J: *chases*

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