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Okay, so my friend  jewel5189 chose me to do the #InsideOutTag So, imma do it!

Basically what it is, is that you need to do is name the five emotions in Inside Out and the last time you felt them. So, here I go!

Anger - The last time I felt anger was when I found out I'd be spending time with my dad on Sunday from 7:00am to 9:00pm. Yeah.......

Disgust - I don't remember the last time I felt disgusted....Oh...wait...*looks at my dogs* Yeah....they go to the bathroom a lot....in the house.....nnneehhhhh!!!

Fear - The last time I felt fear was that one day when I watched to many Creepypasta videos that talked about the 10 scariest creepypastas, and for the rest of the night, I kept thinking that the rake was going to appear at my bedside at any moment and kill me.

Sadness - The last time I felt sadness was on Fathers day, I'm not saying why, though.

Joy - My brother is leaving home for a week, who wouldn't feel happy? I get the computer to myself that week :D. I know I should feel sad, but...it's my brother. So...

Well, that's it! Imma go now, BUT not without nominating these people to do the challenge:





Have fun you guys~~~ MWAHAHAHAHHA!!!

Yeah....bye! :3

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