Chapter 1

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Adrenaline rush is the best feeling ever, don't you dare disagree.

A string of laughter escaped my lips as I dodged and outrun all the obstacles in my way.

Walking mannequin looked at me with their heavy judgement as I shot past them, trying to keep my running pace.

The siren from the cop cars behind me squealed annoyingly as they chased after me on the road.

I made a sharp turn and ran across the road into the abandoned street. Not the best place to go when there's a cop after me.

Panic is always my worst enemy.

Still laughing as the adrenaline pumped through my veins like a never ending waterfall, I gripped the top of a chain-linked fence and threw myself over. I grinned in satisfaction when the cop car halted, the police inside scowling as he exited his vehicle.

I gave him a short salute before continuing my journey.

I only managed a few meters when a car shot out of nowhere. 

A scream flew out of my lips. My eyes widened in short-fear.

I always forgot about the other cop cars!

The cop car was a few inches away from squashing me between itself and the wall.

"Damn it Jox." I screamed and hit the hood of the blue cop car. "You could've killed me!"

Jox, my favourite officer, got out of the vehicle and rolled his eyes. "You're being dramatic, Lilah. I have perfect driving skills, I would've never hit you."

Before I could make a move to escape, Jox pulled me back and cuffed my hands behind my back.

"Nuh-uh-uh." he shook his head, dragging a groaning me to his car. "You know how this works, kid, get in."

I pouted and gave him my puppy dog eyes. "It's just a car."

"A car that you graffiti on?" he deadpanned. "It was a freaking lamborghini!"

"The owner deserved it." I made up my mind as I got into the car, not at all struggling. "He tried to hit a child."

"And your first reaction is to graffiti his car?"

"No, I hit him back. Then I let the child have a kick on him and then I graffiti his car." I clarified. "Get it right, Jox."

"What am I gonna do with you?" he sighed and started the engine.

Off to the station we go again.


I groaned in annoyance when Jox pulled me out of the car and brought me straight to a holding cell.

"Oh come on," I whined. "We've been here hundreds of times and you know I'm not gonna just run away. Let me at least sit in your office, please!"

"We've been over this, Lilah. You can get to the office once I'm done filing your report." Jox told me.

"Urghh. Fine. I'll just wait here...patiently...all alone with my dangerous mind." I mumbled pathetically.

"You'll survive." Jox answered, not playing up with my dramatic oscar award moment.

"Hurry up, please." I told him.

I sighed when Jox walked away, leaving me alone. Honestly, I didn't mind being alone in a holding cell at all. This place was my home. First and only home.

Jox always says that I'm a difficult girl. I've never been able to stay in a foster centre long enough to make the place my home. Neither have I stayed in a foster home long enough to make it my place.

And so I've always ended up in this specific holding cell every few days.

I smiled to myself as I rested my hands behind my head and lay down onto the bed. It wasn't a clean bed but it was a bed. A nice, quite comfy, little bed with a worn out white blanket.

I turned my head slightly so that I could admire my drawings on the wall next to me. I've been sleeping in this cell every now and then since I was ten. The walls were filled with a bunch of kids drawing in white chalk.

The main parts of the drawing was a little hut where two human stick men stood next to. Me and Jox. We were holding hands with a huge smile on my face. I always imagined Jox as my older brother. He wasn't old enough to be my father, nor was he young enough to be my brother who's close to my age. So I just ended up drawing him as my older brother.

When I first met Jox, he bought me a bracelet which I admired deeply through a store's window. He bought it for me and I've never taken it off since.

I grinned when I heard a door open. I sat up and waved at the person who entered. "That was quick."

"I'm not a slow person, Lilah." Jox rolled his eyes. "C'mon now. Off to my office you go."

He unlocked the cell door and I happily skipped after him into his office.

"You know, you can't keep running from your foster homes." Jox sighed, closing the door behind him.

I shrugged whilst making myself comfortable on the brown armchair. "I can't stay either." I mumbled.

"Yes you can, kid. There's a reason why they're your foster home. They're someone who will provide you with a home, love and all that sappy shit."

I coughed. "No thanks. I'm good."

"Delilah, there are good people in this world. You just have to give them a chance and you'll see, not everyone is a monster."

"I know." I said quietly. "But I rather not...not after what happened."

Jox sighed but didn't push it. He understood.

Afterall, he was the one who saved me. That was how we met.

He's my knight in shiny armour.

I let out a long exhale and put on a bright smile. "Besides, I would've never fit in." I shrugged brightly. "I prefer to have adrenaline in my veins everywhere I go. The only way that could happen is for me to run around- break some rules."

"You deserve a home, Lilah." Jox sighed.

"And you deserve a new job." I deadpanned. "Guess we don't always get what we deserve."

"Why are you so difficult?" he demanded. "Why can't you be a good girl and accept what's given to you?"

I smirked and stuck my tongue out at him childishly. "Because I can. Besides, you would have a boring life without me."

"I would not." Jox scoffed.

"Lying to yourself is unhealthy."

"Talking back to an adult is rude," he joked.

I puffed playfully. "It's called conversing. Besides, since when are you an adult?"

"Since I decided that I'm paying for your lunch again, today."

I raised my eyes. "You are?"

"Yeah. Now what would you like to eat?" Jox questioned as he grabbed his car key.

"Anything but your healthy salad shit." I deadpanned. 

I'm not into eating vegetables for lunch.

"Ben's Salad it is!" the cop decided cheerily.

"WHAT-" I dashed after him as he laughed and ran out of his office.


Hey besties!! Hope you enjoy this first chapter 

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