Chapter 6

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Delilah POV

Have you ever tried breaking your neck?

Like jumping off mount everest and cracking and twisting your neck during the fall?

My neck hurts.

I think someone killed me in another life.

I opened my eyes slowly, shielding them from the stupid bright light coming from my window with my hands.

I'm in my room.


I must have flown here.

I have superpowers now.

With a yawn, I pulled myself into a sitting position and swung my legs off my bed.

My legs are numb.

I fell off my bed with a scream, pulling my comforter as I did so.

One. Two.

My door burst open and Maxwell looked in my direction worriedly. "Deli?" he frowned, probably not being able to see me on my bed.

I held one hand up. "I'm here." I mumbled.

His eyes dropped down and he burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes.

A few seconds later, he sobered and helped me up.

"You suck." I told him.

"Live with it." he shot back. "Why are you on the floor anyway?"

I fell.

"Because I heard that it's healthy."

"To sleep on the floor?"

"No, idiot. To roll off the bed and onto the floor."

"Oh." he nodded. "Then what about the string of curses that followed along before the thud?"

"That's the prayer."

He gave me a look. "You're weird."

"And yet you're still talking to me." I shrugged.

He only smiled. "We're going shopping today."

"I hate shopping."

Twenty minutes later, I was being dragged out of the car by Maxwell.

He's a crazy bitch. He loves shopping.

Who loves shopping?!

"I don't need any stuff from the mall." I whined as my brother pulled me through the entrance.

What is the point for me to be here when I already have everything I need?

Max scoffed. "Who says we're buying the stuff that you need?"

"Then you're just wasting your money!"

"It's not wasting if you're choosing something you like," he shrugged.

"I'm not spending your money."

"Technically I'm using Stefano's card soo..."

"I'm not-"

"We're going to go to the clothes store first. Then we'll stop by to buy you a mini fridge for when you wanna lock yourself in the room and we'll get the snacks and food last."

I narrowed my eyes on him.

When he puts it that way, it doesn't sound like we're wasting money.

"I already have enough clothes."

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