Chapter 19

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Dean's house was the kind of house where you just know there are only teenagers living inside.

His house was huge. Not as huge as the mansion but still huge.

"Oh no. Dean's dead!" Dean cried, his mouth wide-open.

"Which season are we on again?." I voiced before taking a bite of my Hawaiian pizza.

Funny thing was, I hate pineapple.

On the other hand, Lennox loves it so I just pick mine up and give it to him.

We were currently in his living room, watching supernatural. Mingze and Dean on the floor; Lennox and I took the three seated sofa; Kyian sat on an movable massage chair, enjoying his time of his life; and Alyssa-

"Stop." Lennox growled when Lisa smacked him on the back of his head.

"Move it, fatass." the girl said as she sat down on the other side of Len. "Gimme a pizza."

"Get it yourself, shorthands." Len scowled.


Lennox sighed and took a pizza for her.

"Why are you always bullying me?" he demanded after jabbing her in the ribs.

Lisa scoffed and huffed. "Since when did I bully you?"

Len gave me a look and whispered loudly. "That's her gaslighting right now."

Dean burst out laughing.

Lisa was about to move when Len jumped up suddenly and moved away from her. He appeared on my other side, sitting on the armrest of the couch.

"Stay away from that crazy girl." he warned me with a serious look. "She bites. No joke."

"You never stop being dramatic, don't you?" Lisa chuckled.

"You made me go to that sleepover with your friends." he shivered.

"What's so bad about sleepovers?" I asked.

"It's filled with girls," he stressed. "I didn't know she went to a girls school."

I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Oh gods, I don't know why but I can imagine a panic looking Lennox surrounded by teenage girls.

"Don't lie man, you enjoyed it." Ming teased.

Len looked horrified. "It was a nightmare!"

"He did look like he's about to kill himself every second." Lisa nodded thoughtfully.

"You two are close?" I asked.

"Ew." Len and Lisa scrunched their nose. "Like hell we'll be close."

"Yeah they're quite close." Mingze confirmed.

Suddenly there was a scream.


All our heads snapped towards Kyian.

He must have clicked on something because the chair was folded into half, basically pancaking him in the middle.

We then burst out laughing.

"Help me, drongos." he scowled.

"That's what you get for being mean to me." Dean smirked as he got up.

He's over crying for Dean's 'death'.

He pressed some buttons and the chair went back to it's original position.

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