Chapter 31

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Delilah POV

Do you think Peppa Pig would like to be my friend?

If Cinderella's shoes fit perfectly, how did she lose it in the first place?

Do you know why the cemetery is the most popular place in the world? Because people are dying to get there.

Pacing across my room, I couldn't help but feel the worry sink into my heart each second.

I knew Lennox was injured. I know it. Somehow, I can just feel it, you know?

Not being able to take it anymore, I burst out of my room and ran into a large figure. With a puff, I fell backwards onto my butt.

"Deli?" Stefano frowned as he reached down immediately to help me. "You okay?"

"No." I blurted. "I think I'm dying!"

His eyebrow furrowed even more. "What? Are you hurt? Are you bleeding? Where are you hurt?"

"Not me, I just-"

His phone rang. He looked at me apologetically when I motioned for him to pick it up.

I waited patiently as he listened to whatever was said on the other end.

His eyes darted down at me, his lips turning into a small frown.

"Sì, fateli entrare" he said before hanging up.


He shook his head. "Ezekiel. He just let Mingze in. Lennox's in the passenger and he's..."

I didn't hear the rest of his sentence. The moment Len's name was mentioned, I was sprinting down the stairs to the door.

I got down just in time when Roman opened the door, letting the two figures in from the dark night.

"Lennox." I gasped when I saw the state my boyfriend was in.

His head that was previously hanged low looked up. "Deli-"

Mingze gasped when the weight of Len increased when Len passed out suddenly.

Solace, who had recently gotten closer to Len, had just entered the living room and was there in a blink of an eye, helping Ming up with Len's limp body.

My hands flew to my mouth, tears filling up my eyes.

Silas then entered the living room with a loud yawn. His hair was messy, his eyes red, his clothes wrinkled. He looked like he just woke up from a ten hour nap.

His eyes flew wide when he took in the surroundings.

"What the hell are you people standing here for?!" he exclaimed. "Get that poor boy to the infirmary right now!"

A minute later, the boys who were still awake and I crowded over Lennox's bed as Silas dragged over his medical equipment.

Len was blinking in and out of his unconsciousness.

"Lennox, I'm gonna need to cut open your shirt." Silas said, going through his equipment.

He pulled out an oxygen mask and handed in to Solace who immediately took it, slowly putting them around Len's face.

Just as my second oldest brother's fingers brushed my boyfriend's bloodied shirt, his eyes snapped open.

Fear plastered on his face as he looked at all of us with panic. "No- you can't-" he shook his head ever slightly, his fingers gripping onto Silas's hand on his shirt.

"Len. It's okay." Mingze voiced softly and Len's eyes darted to him.

"They can't-" he breathed, his eyes getting unfocused because of the drug he was breathing into his system.

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