Chapter 58

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A few more chapters left to go!!!


It is not recommended to do a death mission right after Christmas, but who am I to judge?

I woke up earlier than I had planned- way earlier than I had planned- to see the spot next to me was empty.

My immediate thought was, obviously, holy shit, Len left without saying goodbye.

But when he came out of my bathroom, I felt a pang of relief. Then I realised that he was already dressed and prepared to leave, my panic rises again.

I stared at him, not knowing if I should hit him or hate him.

I did both.

When Len came over to give me a 4am morning kiss, I ducked away, smacking his chest and mumbled, "I hate you."

He had a soft smile on his lips that made me feel guilty that I'm mad at him. This is so unfair!

"I love you." he chuckled and planted a kiss on my head whilst I pouted like a child.

"You're already packed?" I asked, narrowing my eyes on him.

He hesitated before nodding. "Yeah. I have to leave soon."

I made a face at him. "You're gonna take the public plane into the country and what- announce to the whole world that you're going to Moscow?"

"I want him to know I'm coming."

I sighed, feeling like punching the shit out of him. "And you wonder why I'm worried." I grumbled.

"Don't worry about me." Len shrugged. "Worry about yourself."

"I have my whole family with me." I deadpanned. "What am I supposed to worry about?"

"Your whole family." he frowned.

I glared at him for a second longer than I intended to, then left into my bathroom to get ready for a day where we'll either succeed or fail.

Preferably not fail, obviously.

Saying goodbye was easy. But saying goodbye where you never know if it's actually a goodbye- now, that's hard.

Especially for Kyian.

That kid clung on to his brother like there's no tomorrow. He's crying; He's mumbling a shit ton of curses; He's laughing; And he's hitting and punching.

In other words, he's multitasking.

Ki would not let Len go. Come to think of it, do I look that pathetic when I'm super duper clingy- like more than Ki?

That's a damn bad image to my reputation.

Little Joe, Ella, Melaine, Mayson, Amaya, Sanjay, and Cecile will be staying back here along with Ki and Ru because Stefano made it clear that he ain't bringing the kids for war.

Jossie though, she has a score to settle, and even Stefano and Solace couldn't talk her into staying.

One by one, everyone moved towards their vehicles, the younger ones back into the mansion, until it was just Dean, Len, Ming and me.

The OGs.

For a silent minute, we just stared at each other like we're strangers.

"Since no one is saying it, I will," Ming announced, clearing his throat. "So..we've all grown up huh?"

"I know right." Dean agreed. "And to think I would still be throwing balls at Deli."

I chuckled at that. "You weren't even aiming at me!"

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