Chapter 55

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Delilah POV

Do you know the feeling where you wake up and wonder if you're still in a dream? Well, I do.

Len was sleeping peacefully next to me, snoring ever-so-slightly. He was lying on his stomach, both hands nestled under his pillow. The muscles on his back had become firmer and more visible. The shade of brown on his hair became darker since I last saw him.

My boyfriend has definitely grown and changed physically. I guess you can say, he has grown mentally too

Not that it bothers me a lot but he isn't as childish and free going as he used to be and not gonna lie, it scares me a little when he's too serious about something.

My eyes came to rest on his left shoulder blade where he had a new tattoo drawn by Solace. A phoenix.

It's been almost a month and I've still not used to having Len back with me. He had spent the nights in my room because Kyian had stolen his room, sharing it with Ru.

I caressed his face gently, pushing his hair out of his eyes, wondering if I will ever wake up from this dream.

Len's eyes fluttered open and he looked at me with a small grin on his lips. "What?"

I only smiled back. "Nothing."

He narrowed his eyes. Then next thing I knew we were giggling and laughing as he rolled over, pulling me into his arms.

Len ran his fingers into my half-tangled hair. "Tell me what you're thinking."

I looked at him for a moment. Once I could always lie to him, but recently, I felt like I didn't have the need to because he knows me better than I know myself.

"I'm thinking about if this is only a dream and one day, I'll wake up and you'll not be here anymore. I don't want to wake up."

"You're not in a dream, darling." he chuckled, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "And I'm here. I'll always be here."

"But what if you're not?"

"I'm not going anywhere, love."

"In my dream, I would make you say that too because it's what I want to hear." I said pointedly.

"Well then, if this is your dream...will you be able to feel this?" he kissed me passionately on the lips.

My lips parted, letting him take the lead like he always does. He went onto his elbow, tracing his hand down under my shirt, drawing little circles on the curve of my waist with his thumb. "Or this?" He kissed my jaw and down my throat.

I rolled onto my back, him hovering above me and he started kissing my collarbone, his hand tracing upwards.

I stopped him, holding his hands before he could go higher than my ribcage. "No. Not yet." I said quietly.

Len stared at me a moment before his soft smile came back to his face. He nodded. "I can wait. We have all the time in the world."

Each time I stopped him, he was okay with it. This was the first time he told me we had all the time in the world. I should be convinced but somehow, I wasn't. The words came out of his lips but his eyes said otherwise.

I nodded anyway, hoping that he kept through with his word.

We took ten minutes to get ready for the day, changing out of our pyjamas before heading out where the extended family was waiting- or so I thought.

And by extended, I did not mean extended family by blood.


I was yanked back just in time as a burst of flame flashed in front of my face.

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